Castiel In Hospital - Supernatural

Castiel disappearing when things get too loud never ceases to make all the more relatable as a character. Who wouldn't want to pop in and out of places at will?!
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Sister Jo - Supernatural

When Supernatural season 14 begins, Sister Jo is still out there offering her healing.
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Michael Meets Jo - Supernatural

Sister Jo is shocked to learn Michael is now roaming the earth.
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Michael Has Style - Supernatural

Michael is on a mission to form the world the way he feels it should be. Will he make enemies along the way?
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Michael Means Business - Supernatural

Michael is all about business and if you get in his way he will make sure to get rid of you.
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Michael Ask Jo - Supernatural

Will Sister Jo provide the help Michael is needing?
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Not Afraid - Supernatural

Sister Jo has been around a long time and Michael won't intimidate her.
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Sister Jo Isn't Surprised - Supernatural

Sister Jo isn't surprised to learn Michael is needing some help with his plan.
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Trust Between Angels - Supernatural

The question remains, can Michael really even trust Sister Jo? And vice versa?
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Sam Takes The Lead - Supernatural

With Dean now gone, it's up to Sam to keep the group from the apocalypse world in line while also trying to find his brother.
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Jack, Castiel and Sam - Supernatural

Sam and Castiel are determined to find a way to Dean, but Jack isn't sure Dean is still there.
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Group Meeting - Supernatural

Sam tries to let everyone speak up and what they should do but Sam will ultimately do what is best.
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Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
