Sam, Dean and a Priest - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

A case inside a church? Is the priest behind it? Sam and Dean are to sure to get the facts from him.

Sam, Dean and a Nun - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are following up all the leads. That includes interviewing a nun for clues.

Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Calling all Dean fans! Dean Winchester is on the latest case.

Sam and Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are investigating a case in a church. Bet Dean is disappointed there's no cake or pie there.

The Nun - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

This nun looks super serious. She shouldn't worry though, Sam and Dean are here!

Nuns and Guns - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean, a nun, and a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

EMF Meter - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean and the nun are walking around a church looking for the supernatural. Bet the EMF meter picks up something.

Knocked Down - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Something has got Dean on the ground. Grab that gun, Dean!

Something Scary - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean and the nun see something that's got to be scary. Is it a ghost? A demon?

Hiding - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean is sure to be protecting the nun from something supernatural. But what is she hiding from?

Dean Investigates - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean pulls out his EMF meter. Might there be a ghost in the church?

Wake Up - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

Oh no! Cole isn't dead is he? Wake him up, Dean! Wake him up!