Making Up - Superstore Season 6 Episode 9

Cheyenne (Nichole Sakura) and Mateo (Nico Santos) finally make up after a long fight, bonding over gossip.

Glenn in Conversation - Superstore Season 6 Episode 9

Glenn (Mark McKinney) is having a discussion with Janet.

Daily Briefing - Superstore Season 6 Episode 9

Dina (Lauren Ash) conducts the daily briefing alongside her co-manager, Glenn.

Let's Talk Conspiracy Theories - Superstore Season 6 Episode 9

Jonah (Ben Feldman) insists on having an open discussion among the employees regarding a Zephra conspiracy theory.

Enjoying the Fight - Superstore Season 6 Episode 9

Cheyenne (Nichole Sakura) loved the attention she received from fighting with Mateo.

Comebacks in Style - Superstore

Mateo (Nico Santos) feeling pleased with himself after another round of firing insults at Cheyenne.

A New Policy - Superstore

Glenn has to ask for help figuring out a new store policy on Superstore. "Conspiracy" is the ninth episode of the show's sixth season.

Physical Intimacy Only - Superstore Season 6 Episode 8

Dina (Lauren Ash) and Brian (Rory Scovel) telling Garrett (Colton Dunn) about their proposal for when Brian leaves on a three-month trip.

Not So Thrilled - Superstore Season 6 Episode 8

Garrett (Colton Dunn) forces himself to smile at Dina and Brian's plan, despite not wanting to go through with it.

Not Interested - Superstore Season 6 Episode 8

Dina (Lauren Ash) thinks Jonah wants to be involved in her open relationship.

A Compliment - Superstore Season 6 Episode 8

Jonah (Ben Feldman) complimenting Dina on her idea of having an open relationship with Brian and Garrett.

Good at Her Job - Superstore Season 6 Episode 8

Cheyenne (Nichole Sakura) telling Mateo to back off on giving her work tips.

Superstore Season 6 Quotes

Attention shoppers, we ask that you please not physically wrestle things from your fellow customers. There's a highly contractable virus out there that our country does not have a hold of. None of y'all are listening, huh? Alright, enjoy the apocalypse!


We are essential. Customers are like sheep looking for guidance. Without leaders, sheep start to eat each other. So unless one of us leads, this place is gonna be littered in haggis from here to Sunday.
