Wolowitz Gets a Tattoo

Wolowitz lays down on the table in order to get a tattoo on his butt. It's a shame he can't make it much further than the cold alcohol swab.

Raj and Wolowitz Go Goth

Raj and Wolowitz go goth in order to try and pick up some chicks at the local goth bar. Nice tattoo sleeves boys!

Penny Ruins Oatmeal Day

When Penny spends the night at Leonard's she ends up ruining oatmeal day by cooking french toast. How dare she?

Sheldon Uses Positive Reinforcement

When Leonard tells Sheldon he needs to use more honey than vinegar on Penny, he tries an experiment where he uses chocolate as positive reinforcement on Penny. Amazing.

The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Penny: I'll tell you what, next french toast day, I'll make you oatmeal
Sheldon: Good lord, are you still gonna be here next french toast day?

Oh man, did the KISS Army repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?"

Penny [after seeing Wolowitz in his goth outfit]