Liz Looks Over Papers - The Blacklist

Liz looks over documents during the Blacklist Season 2 premiere.
Rating: Unrated

Red Arrives

Red arrives with Dembe see the bodies on "Milton Bobbit."
Rating: Unrated

Tom looks concerned - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 7

Uh oh. Now Tom is standing up. If it is Alexander in that hospital room, then his outcome might not be looking so good. How will this affect Liz and Tom’s relationship?
Rating: Unrated

Red decides to sit down - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 7

Samar’s date looks to be interrupted, but it was probably just her being undercover. Either way, Red looks like he’s got his man right where he wants him. Clever quip and threat coming right up!
Rating: Unrated

Red gets an urgent call - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 7

Red looks shocked. Who is on the other line? Is Alexander dead? Is Liz in trouble? Has a major secret been revealed?
Rating: Unrated

Time for a group meeting - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Harold, Ressler and Samar have come together for what looks to be an important meeting. Are they looking for Liz? Or does it involve Alexander Kirk? Maybe both?
Rating: Unrated

Aram is shocked - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Aram is back at his computers, but he’s definitely spotted something shocking. Has he discovered a secret clue that will help the FBI team?
Rating: Unrated

Waiting for Aram - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

The computer whiz is always working his magic. It looks like Aram has the latest info that will help the FBI team with their case. Or maybe Aram is just checking his emails.
Rating: Unrated

A glimpse of Alexander - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Well, it looks like Alexander escaped the hospital, but that was probably inevitable. Though, why he is behind what looks like some fence (or cage?) remains to be seen. He’s not looking too happy, that’s for sure.
Rating: Unrated

Ressler and Samar interrogate a suspect - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Ressler and Samar are getting down to business as they interrogate a suspect. He probably has info on how to get to Alexander, but he’s also probably playing hardball with the agents.
Rating: Unrated

Ressler and Samar keep interrogating a suspect - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

The suspect must have said something interesting because Ressler is leaning in to hear him. Or maybe he’s about to give him a piece of his mind? Either way, Samar looks amused by it all.
Rating: Unrated

Ressler isn’t messing around - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Ressler is clearly tired of “Ray” stalling on the answers he wants. And Samar doesn’t seem to be stopping him from attack the suspect either. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Rating: Unrated

The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
