Aram is shocked - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Aram is back at his computers, but he’s definitely spotted something shocking. Has he discovered a secret clue that will help the FBI team?
Rating: Unrated

Red takes a break with a portrait - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 14

Nothing like taking a break from battling blacklisters than with a picture. Will he hang it on his wall or give it as a gift?
Rating: Unrated

The Good Samaritan Killer Scene

This is a photo from The Good Samaritan Killer. It was episode 11 of The Blacklist.
Rating: Unrated

FBI Arrives on Scene

The FBI arrives on scene to help get the situation under control.
Rating: Unrated

Ressler and Samar watch SNL - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 14

Ressler and Samar are invested in something on the computer. Perhaps they’ve been watching the latest SNL sketches, or you know, some info on their latest blacklister.
Rating: Unrated

Victory for Aram - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 14

Aram came out swinging like a champ and appears to have dominated his computer battle. His undercover work looks to be going well.
Rating: Unrated

A villain with a gun - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 14

Brent Spiner looks like a menacing villain. And he’s got a gun to match his well-dressed look. Watch out, FBI team!
Rating: Unrated

Aram gets into hacking - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 14

Aram at a computer means he’s on top of his game. He must be competing for the attention of Brent Spiner.
Rating: Unrated

Time for a group meeting - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8

Harold, Ressler and Samar have come together for what looks to be an important meeting. Are they looking for Liz? Or does it involve Alexander Kirk? Maybe both?
Rating: Unrated

Red gets an urgent call - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 7

Red looks shocked. Who is on the other line? Is Alexander dead? Is Liz in trouble? Has a major secret been revealed?
Rating: Unrated

Liz Keeps a Low Profile - The Blacklist Season 2 Episode 1

Liz checks her phone on the season 2 premiere, "Lord Baltimore."
Rating: Unrated

Red's got a gun - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 15

Red is in a restaurant and he looks like he's demanding a meal. And you don't want to mess with Red when he's hungry.
Rating: Unrated

The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
