Florence Faivre as Julie Mao - The Expanse

Florence Faivre is Juliette Andromeda Mao, the missing heiress at the center of The Expanse. Julie's disappearance brings Miller and Holden together to expose a conspiracy that may spark a war. What secret is Julie harboring and will our heroes locate her in time?

Holden's Crew - The Expanse

Naomi Nagata (Dominique Tipper), Amos Burton (Wes Chatham), James Holden (Steven Strait) and Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar) pose on the deck of their ship. This wild adventure is going to bring them closer together than ever before.

Wes Chatham as Amos - The Expanse

Wes Chatham plays Amos Burton, the Canterbury's mechanic. He's Naomi's right-hand man and absolutely dependable despite his questionable past. Amos is a little rough around the edges, but the kind of guy you want by your side in a fight.

Cas Anvar as Alex Kamal - The Expanse

Cas Anvar stars as Martian pilot, Alex Kamal. Though he was born on Mars, he's got a thick Texan accent and southern boy swagger. Alex is a consummate professional who the crew can always count on in a crisis.

Dominique Tipper as Naomi Nagata - The Expanse

Dominique Tipper stars as Naomi Nagata, Chief Engineer of the Canterbury. She's a no-nonsense Belter, and naturally sympathetic to her people's difficult situation. Naomi is loyal, but keeps parts of her past private.

Avasarala Expects Political Unrest - The Expanse

Chrisjen Avasarala is the Deputy Undersecretary of the United Nations back on Earth. She is a cunning politician taking measures for an inevitable conflict with Mars, not to mention the political unrest in the Belt. Avasarala is ruthless when it comes to protecting Mother Earth's interests.

Holden is an Earther - The Expanse

James Holden was born on Earth, in Montana to be precise. He's a well-liked officer on The Canterbury, an ice hauler that mines the moons of Saturn for water used in the Belt. Jim's our hero and an honorable guy, a trait that gets him in trouble from time to time.

Miller is a Belter - The Expanse

Detective Josephus Miller is a "Belter," someone born in the Asteroid Belt. He lives on Ceres (a colonized asteroid) and works for a security company called Star Helix. Little does Miller know, his assignment to locate Julie Mao will forever change his life.

Thomas Jane and Steven Strait star in The Expanse

Thomas Jane stars as Detective Josephus Miller, and Steven Strait is Earther James Holden. A missing girl's disappearance will ultimately bring these two guys together. What they uncover is the series' big mystery.

The Expanse Trio

Detective Miller (Thomas Jane), Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo) and Jim Holden (Steven Strait) star in Syfy's space epic The Expanse. They are the three lead characters at the center of the series' mind-blowing turn of events.

The Expanse Quotes

Naomi: If your girlfriend logged that distress call, she's going to be living it down for a long time.
Holden: I did it. I just couldn't shake it.
Naomi: I'd keep that to myself if I were you.

Miller: So what's my contract exactly?
Captain Shaddid: Find Julie Mao, if she's still here on Ceres detain her and ship her home.
Miller: Kidnap job. My pleasure.