Miller on Eros Station - The Expanse

Detective Miller searches desperately for Julie Mao aboard Eros Station. Will he find her? Will he and Holden finally come face to face?

Avasarala Makes it Personal - The Expanse

Avasarala chats with Holden's mother in Montana. What is she hoping to learn about the man at the heart of Earth's latest troubles.

Alex and Amos Bond - The Expanse

Alex and Amos visit a local dive on Tycho Station. The two share details of their past, which makes for some interesting bonding time.

Unlikely Allies - The Expanse

Holden and the team make unlikely allies on Tycho station on The Expanse. "Back to the Butcher" is the sixth episode of the show's first season.

Avasarala Ponders the Future - The Expanse

Chrisjen Avasarala looks to the stars while pondering the future of mankind. Is the OPA attempting to start a war?

Dealing with Riots on Ceres - The Expanse

Detective Miller continues his search for Julie, while riots break out on Ceres Station. He eventually connects her to the mysterious ship, the Scopuli.

Fighting for Survival - The Expanse

The survivors of the Canterbury struggle to figure out their next move in a badly damaged shuttle. Are the Martians truly responsible for the annihilation of their ice hauler?

Julie Mao's Gone Missing - The Expanse

Juliette Andromeda Mao's disappearance is at the center of The Expanse. Detective Miller, and a rogue ship’s captain named Holden join forces to find her.

Spaceships Are Cool - The Expanse

You're not browsing this gallery just for the zero gravity sex, right? We're all sci-fi fans here, so we'll leave you with this shot of a couple of spaceships. Which ships you ask? Well, you'll just have to tune in to The Expanse December 14 to find out.

Asteroid Belt Living - The Expanse

Here's a peek at what apartments look like in the Asteroid Belt. Doesn't this layout remind you of modern cruise ship cabins? We'll find out soon enough if these holes are comfy or claustrophobic.

Zero Gravity Sex - The Expanse

Yes, The Expanse features zero gravity sex. Ah, we got your attention now, didn't we? Tune in for this fun scene, or for the sci-fi... just make sure to tune in December 14.

What Exactly is That? - The Expanse

Here are a few mysterious images to whet your appetite. Naturally, we're not going to give anything away, but if you've read James S.A. Corey's book "Leviathan Wakes" this image should be familiar.

The Expanse Quotes

Naomi: If your girlfriend logged that distress call, she's going to be living it down for a long time.
Holden: I did it. I just couldn't shake it.
Naomi: I'd keep that to myself if I were you.

Miller: So what's my contract exactly?
Captain Shaddid: Find Julie Mao, if she's still here on Ceres detain her and ship her home.
Miller: Kidnap job. My pleasure.