Save The Date - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Before we cut to the Legends of Tomorrow portion of the crossover...The CW would like you to remember to save the date!

Do Not Disobey Those Eyes - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

If a Nazi version of Oliver Queen gave me that look, I would get to work immediately right away, no matter what his orders are.

What Does He Have Planned For Them - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Something just doesn't feel right about this at all. Why is he wearing a lab uniform and what is he going to do to them?!

How Can They Even See Anything In Those - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Seriously, it can't be easy at all to see anything in those masks. Or is it?

They Got Felicity Too - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Darn it, they got Felicity too! Can we get to see some of these awesome DCTV women kicking some of these Nazi's asses?

They Got Iris - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

This is probably not how Iris West pictured her wedding day to be like. Hopefully, she gets to kick some Nazi ass.

Felicity Is In Trouble - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

This is going to be quite intense to watch as a Nazi version of the Flash is trying to kill a Jewish woman. But obviously, he is going to get his evil ass kicked!

Evil Looking Good In Black - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

While this Oliver is an evil Nazi archer, this Oliver sure does look good in black leather.

A Twist Flarrow - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Aside from the fact that Thawne looks like Harrison, this is one twisted version of our Flarrow duo!

Someone Made Overgirl Pissed Season 4 Episode 8

Remember what we said a few slides ago that you shouldn't make Overgirl angry? Well it looks like someone in this crossover forgot about it.

Being Bad Ass In Style - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Alex Danvers, Green Arrow, White Canary, and Citizen Cold knows how to look style!

Still Weird With The Gun - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

It is still so weird to see White Canary wielding a gun. Do we even remember the last time she used that as a weapon?

The Flash Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Barry: Well, as a Snart we know use to say, "Make a plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go off the rails. Throw away the plan."
Leo: Wow. That is... that is terrible advice. I always have a plan, down to the second, so nothing ever goes wrong.

Dark Arrow: Felicity Smoak. Turn the power back on.
Eobard: He said, "Turn the power back on."
Felicity: Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?
Eobard: Eobard.
Felicity: Eobard. My God, the future sounds weird.
Eobard: That's funny. Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of this Age of Heroes: Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Flash. And yet no one... no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak.