Caitlin and Cisco Do Science - The Flash Season 5 Episode 10

Caitlin and Cisco work together to figure out a way to stop Cicada through reversing meta human powers.

Cisco Looks For A Cure - The Flash Season 5 Episode 10

Cisco looks for a possible cure to reverse a meta's powers.

Caitlin and Cisco Discuss a Cure - The Flash Season 5 Episode 10

Caitlin and Cisco discuss finding a possible cure for meta powers

Caitlin and Cisco Debate - The Flash Season 5 Episode 10

Finding a cure for metahumans could change things for the show forever.

Killer Frost in Pain - The Flash Season 5 Episode 10

Killer Frost was once a villain, but her icy demeanor has defrosted of late.

A New Idea - The Flash

Caitlin and Cisco realize that there could be a cure for metahumans.

The Flash Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Barry When I first met Leonard Snart, he was a criminal. Probably the worst criminal in the city. But I knew there was a good person in there somewhere, and look at him. Turned out to be a legend. Died a hero.

If we don't believe in people, who will?
