Don't ignore Alice - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7

Niffin Alice doesn't appreciate it when Quentin stops paying attention to her.

Kady and Penny reunite - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7

We're excited to see what happens when Kady and Penny come face to face. Are there still feelings there? Will working together bring them closer? Penny needs something good to happen to him.

Quentin's hitting the books - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7

Every time we turn around, Quentin's researching something. What spell is he looking for this time? Maybe a way to remove his girlfriend's Niffin from his back?

A toast! - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7

It wouldn't be right to start the plan without having a drink first. As messy as this group gets, it's probably best to have alcohol on hand.

Planning session - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7

We know Julia's desperate for answers. And Kady's her best bitch so she's willing to return to Brakebills for help. But can the former friends get along?

Magical Ultrasound - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7

Julia and Kady are back at Brakebills! Can the dean and the professor help them figure out what's happening with Julia's baby?

King Quentin and Queen Alice - The Magicians

Quentin and Alice take their thrones in Fillory. But will the magicians be able to save the magical world?

The Magicians Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Professor Lipson: Have you seen the Twilight movies? [continues examining Julia's stomach]. Specifically the last one?
Julia: No.
Professor Lipson: That's probably for the best.

Alice: Just let me take over your body. For the tiniest little bit. I'll be good. I'll be so good.
Quentin: No. That's crazy.
Alice: So I have to be a Niffin, yet I don't even get to be a Niffin? I could travel the universe. I could see things you couldn't even imagine. Instead, I have to be bored and stuck with you.