Devon Hears Advice

Devon receives advice from one of his patients concerning his parents and his upcoming wedding with Priya.

Channing the Charmer

Channing is a male escort who charms the other patients and makes Devon think about the way he has been treating his parents.

Micah Returns

Micha returns to be checked out on The Resident Season 1 Episode 8, and he has a thing for Mina, but does she return the feeling?

Bell's Lie

Bell lies his ass off, but anything to look good, right? The Resident Season 1 Episode 8.

Homeless Jane Doe - The Resident

A homeless Jane Doe is dumped off at the hosptial on The Resident. "Family Affair" is the eighth episode of the show's first season.

The Resident Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

We're not running a charity here!


Doctor: Is that why you were invited here, Dr. Okafor? To help persuade us?
Mina: I was invited here because I'm black.