On Modern Family Season 9 Episode 15, it's Valentine's Day. While Phil tries to help Jay spice up his night with some role play, Mitch and Cam help get Luke stood up. Meanwhile, Haley is on a date with Alex's professor and crush.
Valentine's Day episodes on Modern Family usually center around Claire and Phil and their alter egos, Julianna and Clive Bixby. Last Valentine's Day, when the episode aired, I'm pretty sure I let out a loud groan. That must have sent a ripple through the writer's studio, though, because Phil referred to Clive only once. Whew!
Phil and Claire's '80s garb with their Trans Am was a refreshing change and I'm glad this episode focused elsewhere.

Hayley had a date with Alex's professor and Alex, Hayley and Luke were talking about Valentine's Day in the kitchen. Alex is putting Hayley down, as usual, when Hayley fights back.
Hayley: All’s I know is that you’re being a real Capricorn right now. The sun revolves around the Earth and not you.
🔗 permalink: All’s I know is that you’re being a real Capricorn right now. The sun revolves around the…
Ha! Classic Hayley. I love that the writers don't continue to dumb her character down like some shows do after they've been on the air a while. She's grown, but she's still Hayley!
At the local hotel bar this time, it was Jay and Gloria who were role-playing. Poor Jay can't get out of the closet talk, but Phil (and Clive) gave him a confidence boost and Jay gets right back in there.
I bet Phil was thrilled Jay took his advice since that doesn't happen often, if ever. Why does Jay have such a problem with Phil? It's been what, 20 some years now? He's good enough for your daughter, Jay. He's Phil!

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Then we have poor Joe getting yelled at by Claire. Granted, he was going a little overboard trying to get her alone to be her valentine, but he's just a little boy. How about his snazzy duds and his slicked back hair? Love it.
Joe: You’re a bad valentine!
🔗 permalink: You’re a bad valentine!
Claire could've handled that so much better. Like Phil! He's so good with kids. Isn't he?
At the restaurant, Mitch and Cam were being unusually selfish not wanting their day to be ruined by Luke. They're his uncles and should be looking out for him. Right? Geez.
Anyway, they're trying to carry on a 'romantic' evening, but it's not going well with Mitch falling short of Cam's expectations. Cam should know this by now. He's the romantic flowery one, not Mitch, although he tries.
Cam: The molten chocolate cake looks slutty and delicious. Would it kill you to say that about me?
🔗 permalink: The molten chocolate cake looks slutty and delicious. Would it kill you to say that about me?
Finally coming around, they try to fix Luke's date (which they broke) and they go overboard talking Luke up to this girl he's only texted with for a short time. They're kinda making it all about them.

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I think they need to dial Mitch and Cam back to the early days of Modern Family. I love them, but they're getting a little too snarky.
Luke doesn't like what's happening either and hails a cab.
Luke: Drive til you hear a party.
🔗 permalink: Drive til you hear a party.
Speaking of Luke, I'm starting to like him again. When he was little, he was all cute and he and Phil had their inside jokes and he was odd and different in an adorable way. Then he got older and started blowing Phil off and went all girl crazy (in not the most respectful way) and I started not liking him so much.
Teenage rebellion and all that, but I'm glad the writers brought him out of that and made him like–able again. Tell me it's not just me.
Then we have Hayley who's had her share of boyfriends, but this one might be a keeper.
I don't know about you, but I really like Hayley and the professor. Alex likes him, but his dorkiness is just what Hayley needs, and it fits.
It stinks that Alex got hurt. It really does. But when Hayley comes back, accidentally (Ha!), and the professor starts to ramble, it's so cute!
Professor Arvin: I love things that don’t make sense. That’s my gig.
🔗 permalink: I love things that don’t make sense. That’s my gig.
I've been waiting for her to find somebody good since Andy left. They were so good together and had great chemistry. It was so sad when he moved away, but this professor guy might get me over that. He's a bit Andy-ish with his rambling and awkwardness. Do you see it too?

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Since Manny left for college, his role in the show has been sporadic and he's missed. When he walks into Jay and Gloria's bedroom, dressed as they were, with Claire and Phil in bed, his line made me laugh out loud.
Manny: Ok, what kind of freak show goes on when I’m not around?
🔗 permalink: Ok, what kind of freak show goes on when I’m not around?
What did you think of this Valentine's Day episode? Are you as tired of Julianna and Clive as I am? Does the professor with Hayley take the Andy sting out a little for you too?
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