The #PLLDeathTrap wasn't all that.
On Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 10, the liars went full steam ahead in their quest for answers.
It resulted in one of the weakest finales to date for the drama and also made me question why I'm still watching.

The biggest twist of the night had to be the news Spencer is Mary Drake's daughter. There was something odd about the way Mary just happened to be lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.
Spencer was the one looking through the photos a few weeks back, so it's clear even she had doubts about her own paternity.
There's a huge chance Peter was stepping out on his wife. It wouldn't be the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. Why the heck did Mary wait so long to reveal the news to Spencer?
It couldn't have been all that new to her. Either that, or she has really bad timing, but at least she showed up when she did. The liars would be in a horrible position right now without her.

Pretty Little Liars: 11 Questions We Need Answered
There's no point in talking about Spencer being shot. There's no way she's dying, so let's just move on. Killing a liar this late in the game would be pointless.
Did anyone else laugh out loud when Emily revealed she left her phone upstairs? Being in danger, there's no way you wouldn't have your phone glued to your hand.
It was ludicrous and forced. The powers that be made Emily sound dumb as a plot device. That just shows the series continues to run out of ideas.
I can't be the only one annoyed about the return of Sydney. She's basically another Sara Harvey and I don't have the patience to sit around being led on wild goose chases for answers.
We need to find out exactly what she's up to pretty damn quickly. There's not a chance in hell that she's A.D, but she's sure as hell working with him/her.
Maybe all of the red herrings over the past seven seasons are going to ring significant in some way. That could explain Sydney's return. Maybe the A Team is bigger than we first thought.
Either way, there was enough drama without the whole A aspect to keep us going. It kind of shows that the show could have continued without A.
On the relationship side of things, we have some new developments. Hanna and Caleb had hot make up sex that may have been too hot for the time slot.
Caleb: I don’t want to spend another day without you – ever, for the rest of my life.
Hanna: You’re a real pain in the ass.
🔗 permalink: You’re a real pain in the ass.
I was a huge Spaleb fan earlier in the season, but I'm actually on board with Haleb being back on track. At least Spencer is getting the chance to move on with Marco.
Asking Toby for one last kiss was a bit much. Granted, the kiss was pretty hot and made me wish there was a way for the two of them to get back together.
Poor Yvonne. She'll no doubt die in the crash and it'll send Toby back to Spencer. You heard it here first, or you predicted it.
A lot of things are predictable in Rosewood. Heck, just look at Ezria. They're now further apart than ever, thanks to the return of Nicole.
Poor Aria had to witness her reunion with Ezra on the news. Even Aria knew in that moment Ezria wasn't long for this world.
Will that send her back to Jason? I could get on board with that.
Emison finally set sail after Alison revealed she's having Archer's baby. The reveal was predictable, but at least we finally got some Emison.
Paige proved tonight why I didn't like her in the first place. She's too controlling. Emily can do so much better.
"The Darkest Knight" was far from perfect. At this stage, a lot of the reveals felt cheap. We still have 10 episodes left, and we need answers before it's too late. Waiting until April is going to be a drag.
Remember you can watch Pretty Little Liars online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!
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Here's your first look at Pretty Little Liars Season 7B: