Dr. Cox: Ah Newbie. Perfect timing. I have to run a hundred fifty dollars down to the police station cause Mr. Jinkies the Juggler, who Jordan just has to have to for Jack's birthday party, just got a DUI.
Ben: Yeah!
Dr. Cox: Only me. Long story short. Your new job is to take young Ben here by the hand and run every hematological screening test that we have.
J.D.: Dr. Cox I can't. I'm already covering for Doug. He's on a His-and-Her-Spa-Day with his mom.

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J.D., Perry Cox
Scrubs Season 3 Episode 14: "My Screw Up"
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J.D. Quotes, Perry Cox Quotes, Scrubs Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

Dr. Cox: Now where is your camera? Aren't, aren't you going to take some pictures?
J.D.: Pictures of what?
Dr. Cox: You know. Crying babies. Covered in chocolate. People singing happy birthday to my son, who've never even met him before. You know, the whole routine.
J.D.: Where do you think we are?

...in the end, the most important thing to accept is that no matter how alone you feel, how painful it may be, with the help of those around you, you'll get through this too.

J.D.'s narration