Todd: Don't worry, sweetheart, this'll all be over in a second.
Larry: Please stop.
Todd: Oh! It's the hips that fool me.

You see so much, and yet you share so little.

Mrs. Coulter

Kara: James, I'm so glad you're okay.
James: Yeah, me too. It's a war zone out there. Daxamite troops are beaming down from everywhere, setting up checkpoints, arresting resisters. It's almost like they're instituting their own Martial Law.
Winn: Not to mention the full on Independence Day going out there with the mothership hovering over the city.

I must warn you, the more desperate the man, the higher the price, and you seem desperate. So I have to ask you, how badly do you want a deal?


Samuel: Activate a new protocol: 7377.

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Marc: You do not want to know what I had to do to get this... okay I'll tell you
Wilhelmina: No, no
Marc: But i had a really good quip!

Lois: Sweetie, it's broccoli. It's good for you. Now open up for the airplane.
Stewie: Never! Damn the broccoli, damn you, and damn the Wright brothers!

Matt: Is this more Dateline?
Blake: It's semi-legitmate journalism.

This is our next chapter.


That’s so cute. I’m gonna go make fun of it on my Facebook page right now!


Lucy: Just a nice boy from Saint Louis who becomes the most famous man in the world. About a decade from now, he becomes a Nazi sympathizer, paranoid and anti-Semetic. Hitler awards him a medal.
Rufus: Boy, that story took a dark turn.

I'm not fucking you.
