Normally I'd be tempted to mock your superstitions but in this case I'm inclined to agree.


Your father doesn't want you, Kate. He shipped you away and you show up without the proper postage.


Alan: I am giving you the money for the restaurant.
Max: Wait, really?
Alan: Well, you need it, and I’m lucky to be in a place where I can give it to you.
Max: Oh my god, this is amazing … Dad, you will not regret this. Given our current projections, you should see a profit by the end of the year.
Alan: Yeah, and if things don’t go well, I can take the hit.
Max: Wait, hold on. I only want the money if you truly believe in the restaurant, and you think that I can pull this off.
Alan: Well, does it matter? You wanted my support, and I’m supporting you.
Max: Actually, it does matter, dad, because you see money and support are not the same thing, and the thing is I really do believe in what we’re doing, and I only want people involved who feel the same way.
Alan: I’m trying, Max. I just don’t know I can get there yet.
Max: You shouldn’t have to try so hard.

You know what happens to patients who cry wolf? We sell their organs on the black market and split the money.

Nurse Jackson

Liz: What made you think I was gay?
Jack: Your shoes.
Liz: Well, I'm straight.
Jack: Those shoes are definitely bi-curious.

Truth be told, I like you, Carlton. You've got soft lips and a chest full of hair long enough to wig all of Destiny's Child. So trust me when I tell you this is the last thing I wanted to do today.

Dolores [to Lassiter]

If you weren't built like Bigfoot, I never would have thought of it.

Kasie [to McGee]

Dr. Cox: G'night Gizelle.
J.D.: Dr. Cox, I just want you to know I'm not ready to give up on Mr. Radford.
Dr. Cox: Do you want me to give you my things-I-don't-care-about speech again, because you know, because I've updated it to include all white guys who add "izzle" to anything.
J.D.: I agrizzle my nizzle...

Mike: Just to let you know that really wasn’t me last night. I have a lot more attitude.
Jen: Well, just to let you know that wasn’t the real me last night either.
Mike: You know there is an American expression I love; a man’s home is his castle.
Jen: I prefer an ancient Chinese expression. Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do it for him.

Gaby: He had a life, and Angel took it from him. I need to do what's right.
EZ: But, he's my brother.

For four elementary school boys, an ordinary day becomes a descent into madness on "I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining."


Elizabeth, stay with the story. Stay with the story.

Red [to Liz]