Elena: You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now.
Alaric: I meant like frozen dinners and SATs.

Alaric: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
Elena: What? Damon. He thinks he's hilarious.

Jeremy: Don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house.
Alaric: Okay. I won't.

I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning and that makes you the strongest person I know.

This is my bar, pal. No one's gonna blow it up.

She loved you too much and it was killing her.

Alaric: You honestly think I'd leave Damon in charge and not look back?
Damon: He's talking about me, isn't he?
Jeremy: He says you're a dick.

Alaric: Damon is going to kill me.
Elena: You're un-killable.
Alaric: Doesn't mean he won't try!

I hate how good that felt.

I'll tell you, I could give a damn about your plans, because they're never going to happen. I'm going to find you, and I'm going to kill you. No discussions, no last minute pleas for my sympathy. You have been in my home with me, and somehow in all your scheming you've missed just how far I'm willing to go to protect my children. I'm not coming for you. I'm coming for them. But the longer you run, the more I'm going to hurt you.

Damon: So, who's up for a little old fashioned hostage swap?
Alaric: Does agreeing to go mean you putting on pants?

You're on speaker phone, dick.

Legacies Quotes

Alaric: Cheater!
Hope: You should really get a vampire to start doing my training. You're getting a little old for me to break your human bones.
Alaric: How dare you.

Alaric: Block with your hand.
Hope: I got it.
Alaric: If you had it I wouldn't have to say it.