Jessica: I don't think they're going to be too eager to talk to us.
McGee: Yeah, we're the men in black.
Parker: That's kinda awesome.
McGee: I know, right?

Parker: Show of hands. Who thinks it's aliens?
Nick: Does it count if I just hope it's aliens? "Cocoon" is my favorite movie.

Parker: First time in history that a squirrel has ever been remotely helpful.
Jessica: That's a lot of rodent hostility. That's right. You're a bird man.

You're lucky the CIA doesn't know your poker face the way I do.


Vance: The gardens keep growing, I see.
Parker: From all corners of the world.

This job isn't for everybody. It requires that you trust the people in this building with your life at all times, good or bad, which can be hard.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?