CRISTINA: "You know, it's like there's a wall. The attendings and the residents are over there being surgeons, and we're over here being-"
MEREDITH: "Suturing, code-running, lab-delivering penis minders."
ALEX: "I hate being an intern."

[to Meredith, about failing his boards] "If I tell Izzie, she'll be all supportive and... she might as well just rip my nads off and turn them into earrings."

[whistles at Meredith] "A miserable, diseased, dirty ex-mistress? That's hot. I feel better already."

ALEX: "God, I smell good! You know what, it's the smell of an open heart surgery. It is awesome. It. Is. Awesome! You gotta smell me."
MEREDITH: "I don't want to smell you."
ALEX: [wraps arms around Mer] "Oh, yes you do!"
MEREDITH: [shoves Alex] "You've gotta to be kidding me! I've got more important things to deal with than you. I've got roommates, boy problems and family problems... You wanna act like a little frat boy bitch, that's fine. You wanna take credit for your saves and everybody elses, that's fine too. Just stay out of my face! And for the record you smell like crap!" [Derek walks in]
ALEX: [shrugs] "She attacked me." [Meredith attacks]
DEREK: [steps in] "Meredith, Meredith!" [to Alex] "You know, you might want to leave, before I change my mind and let her beat you to a pulp with her tiny, ineffectual fists."

MEREDITH: [to Alex] "You're just pissed that two women got the harvest."
ALEX: "I'm just pissed that anyone except me got the harvest. Boobs in no way factor into this. Unless you want to show me yours..."
MEREDITH: "I'm going to become a lesbian."
CRISTINA: "Me too."

ALEX: "Still not talking to me?"
OLIVIA: "You gave me syphilis! And I am talking to you. I just don't have anything to say."

ALEX: "I'm a hotshot doctor. I don't have any problems."
ROBERT: "You probably don't have any friends, either."

[to Mer] "I heard you broke his penis. Nice!"

DEREK: "What are our options?"
ALEX: "Brilliant! The guy's got nails in his head! Let's put him in a giant magnet."

IZZIE: "Here, my share of the grocery money. When are you going?"
GEORGE: "Tonight."
IZZIE: "Okay. Seriously, George. Please don't-"
GEORGE: "Yeah, could we not talk about it here?"
IZZIE: "What? Tampons?"
GEORGE: "Did you not hear a word I said?"
IZZIE: "You're a man, we know."
ALEX: "Talk about shrinking the salamander!"

DEREK: "The first person I killed? I was a second-year resident. James Hanson. Go home, Dr. Karev. There's nothing you can do for him now."
ALEX: [pauses] "No one should die alone."

ALEX: "Morning, Dr. Model."
IZZIE: "Dr. Evil Spawn."
ALEX: "Ooooh, nice tat. Do they airbrush that out for the catalogs?"
IZZIE: "I don't know. What do they do for the 666 on your skull?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
