Claire: You're grounded for four weeks!
Haley: Why don't you just double it and make it 10?
Alex: Do you not see how much you need to study?!?

This will all be over in 90 seconds. Hold you poses, I really want to impress Mister Gorgeous.

Alex: Haley, found your jacket.

Alex: I know what you think about Michael, mom. You didn't have to bring your big gay guns in to back you up. No offense.
Mitchell: None taken.
Cam: I kinda like it.

Haley: This is just like last year when you wouldn't take off those skinny jeans.
Alex: Woudn't or couldn't?
Phil: Hey I looked hot!

First get a mirror, then you're gonna look into it and you're gonna see a crazy woman. She needs your help.

This family needs a dumbass-ectomy.

It's like scrabble with Haley. After awhile you're just playing against yourself.

As an actual glasses wearer, I find it offensive.

There's not one embarrassing photo of Haley. Even her mugshots were cut.

Alex: Could you L a little less O L? Can't you see what I'm trying to do here?
Haley: Die alone?

Haley: If you do this you'll be a social piranha.
Alex: Yes, I'll be an Amazonian carnivorous fish.