Tony: Maybe that's why we never see Jake. Maybe she ate him.
Bishop: Or maybe he's just busy.
Tony: Or maybe you had him with fava beans, and a nice Chianti

Trust us, Bishop. The Abby dating world is a vortex you do not want to get sucked into. Sometimes it's complicated. Just let Abby be Abby.

Bishop: His gun's gone, Tony.
Tony: Great. We're snowed in here with an airport filled with cranky passengers, a dead fake Air Marshall and his killer on the loose somewhere on the loose with a knife and a gun. Anybody else feel like they're playing Clue?

Tony: I hate couples.
Bishop: You asked how we met.
Jake: Granted, you kind of had to be there.
Tony: Oh no, not you guys. You're great. Just couples in general.

Jake: Agent DiNozzo, I presume?
Tony: The elusive Jake. It's nice to know Bishop hasn't been catfishing us all year. I was starting to wonder.
Bishop: Well you can stop wondering, Tony. As you can see, Jake is quite real.
Tony: Unless he's a hologram who can shake hands.
Jake: NSA is actually working on one of those, I've seen the prototype.
Tony: Yeah that'd be pretty fun. Really?
Jake: No.
Tony: Had me, for a second. That's too bad, because I'd like one of those. I like him, he's quick.

Tony: Notice anything different McGee? We installed the new computer monitors.
McGee: You touched my desk?
Tony: It was their idea.
Kevin: We wanted to thank you.
Khan: No we--don't say that out loud.
McGee: No no no, this monitor should be more to the left.
Tony: Okay let's go to the van. Nobody needs to see this part of Tim McGee. C'mon IT Kevin.
McGee: Come on. Didn't even bundle all the cables.

Bishop: These murders are all very personal to you. And occurred when someone else personal showed up.
Tony: Your ex-wife.
Gibbs: Rebecca?
Tony: Yeah
Gibbs: Rebecca isn't involved.
McGee: Boss you gotta admit, the timing's kind of interesting.
Gibbs: Look look look: she is totally unstable. Completely disrespectful. Untrustworthy. She's a liar....but she's no killer.

Gibbs: Hey! You got something to say?
Bishop: Not in a million years.
Tony: Actually, I just want you to know I understand completely. I do. There's nothing more enticing than forbidden fruit. Especially the kind you can spoon with.

Palmer: Gibbs is going for a checkup. And his doctor told him to avoid caffeine for seventy-two hours.
Bishop: That seems...unwise.
Tony: That could kill him.
Palmer: Or worse! The guy's scary enough when he's properly medicated. I can't imagine what it'd be like with caffeine withdrawal. I can only imagine someone taking King Kong's bananas. I'm not going to turn around.
Gibbs: Good idea.

Zoe: Relax, Spider. They know about us.
Tony: Who knows?
Everyone: We all know.
Gibbs: It's about time. Geeze.
Tony: How did you find out?
McGee: We're trained investigators, my friend.
Zoe: And in honor of us coming out, Tony is going to buy everyone drinks.
Tony: I am?
Zoe: Yeah. You are. C'mon. Get your coat.
Tony: Yeah, boss.

Zoe: I'm up here to return something that you left at my place when you rushed out this morning.
Tony: Mmm. Yeah. Well I was a little light-headed. What did I leave?
Zoe: These. *hands him a set of handcuffs*
Tony: Oh boy. You found the key. I had you locked up pretty good.
Zoe: Yeah. You did. Um, are we keeping us a secret?
Tony: Yeah. Uh, listen. This place is a henhouse. It practically runs on gossip and I do not want to be topic number one. And we're doing pretty good in this relationship, right?
Zoe: Right.
Tony: I don't want to spoil it.
Zoe: Okay.
Tony: Okay. Yeesh. You're very dangerous.

McGee: You're seeing someone.
Tony: Huh. I wish.
McGee: Oh please, come on. Dog lady was hitting on you like crazy, she's super cute and...
Tony: Twenty-two years old.
McGee: Since when has that ever stopped you?

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?