Ted: So, you are mad about me and Robin holding hands.
Barney: Of course I'm mad Ted. Holding hands is like the fourth grade equivalent of banging. Well in your case, twelfth grade. Self five!

The Bro Code has been around for centuries. Nay, whatever's more than centuries.

Every hookup at a weekend wedding is decided at Friday Night Drinks. Get stuck with the wrong girl, the only action you'll be getting all weekend is a self five and I don't mean the cool kind.

Reverend? More like Neverend. Prayer Five!

Barney: Our minister just died.
Robin: We can still use the church but we only have two days to find a new officiant.
Barney: Unless! Wedding at Bernie's!
Robin: We're not doing wedding at Bernie's!

Alright I'll take a lap dance. Can I borrow some sweatpants?

Lily: I'm not paying for room service The Hooker ordered.
Barney: I've been there.

Barney: We're gonna make a great team. We just need some practice.
Robin: Yeah let's prove that we believe in marriage by workin together to help Marshall hide something from his wife!

Oh my god. I'm eight years old again and life is perfect and I haven't peed my shorts in front of 350 Webelos at the Pine Wood Derby Regionals in Wheeling, West Virginia.

And the only survivor was me, because I was upstairs banging Ted's mom. What? Get that blonde girl's phone number? Challenge accepted!

Barney: Truth is, I only know of one truly platonic relationship.
Lily: You and me.
Barney: Don't make me laugh Lily. You want to hit this so hard.

Remember when you told me to stop messing around and go get the girl. Well, check it. I got her.