I was about to enter my golden years. My Clooney years.

Settling down is for losers and kids who never go out anymore.

If it wasn't going to happen with Robin, then it's not going to happen with anyone.

Barney: The international dateline, that's right new theory. What's that you ask?
Ted: Nobody did
Barney: I'll now address your query.

There is no girl too pretty. For I am Barney Stinson, Player King of New York City.

So many great things about this girl. Her boobs, her rack, her chest.

You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever.

Robin: Take a good look at this face Barney OK? Cause it will be useful for the future. This is my pretty mad face.
Barney: Well then we've got a problem, cause it looks a lot like your pretty hungry face.
Robin: I'm missing the bacon wrapped figs!

Marshall: Well it's official. I'm going to be Judge Marshall Eriksen.
Ranjit: That is great. Can you help me get a driver's license?
Barney: A what?

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Chicago? Is that even a real place?

No more books Ted. I don't like the person you become when you read books.

Suit like that only needs one button, self destruct.