Hey, brother-in-law.

Narrator: The family continued to chant "speech, speech, speech" for no one in particular.
(clapping ceases)
Michael: Gee, after all that, I was kinda hoping somebody would make a speech.
Buster: Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!
Michael: I'll say something.
Gob: Typical.

This isn't about my mother! Besides, it's the only way I'm ever gonna get her to respect me!

Michael:So, on a very unusual Valentine's Day, cheers to Mom and Dad, to Buster and Lucille....
Buster: Don't forget my girlfriend.
Michael: That's who I meant.

Buster: Hey, brother, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your speech yesterday -- about family and being true to ourselves.
Michael: Oh ... well, I'm glad it made an impact.
Buster: Yeah. I never want to look at mom again.

Narrator: And suddenly Buster realized Marta was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Buster: I've been dating an old lady.

Buster: Uh, I'm unclear about what it is exactly you do.
Jessie: Excellent question. What a publicist does ...
Buster: No, no, I was talking to George Michael. When did you get a job?
George Michael: At the banana stand.
Buster: Oh, duh. I thought you meant, like, a plumber or something, and I was, like, when did that happen?

Jessie: Buster.
Buster: Right here, ready to go, at your service, get me out there.
Jessie: I want you to stay in. People find you odd and alienating. You make them uneasy. Stay out of the spotlight.

Buster: I really appreciate you doing this for me. You're making a very miserable person happy.
George Michael: She really feels awful, huh?
Buster: Oh, I was talking about me. But yeah, she's a mess. Be careful.

Buster: (about Lucille 2) And her nausea's gotten really bad, too. It's really been difficult on us. It's definitely taking its toll.
Michael: Well, you know, you're free to go, pal. It's not like you made a commitment to this woman.
Buster: Well, I didn't make a commitment ... I did refer to it as our nausea. But you know, that's when we were going at it really hot and heavy.
Michael: Well, now it's my nausea.

Buster: It-it's for my girlfriend. She's sick.
Gob: Why don't you just wait it out? She's gonna be gone soon.

Lucille: You know, he's damaged goods. He was born with a hole in his heart.
Lucille 2: Listen to me, Lucille. I'm going to fill that hole 'cause we're in love.
Lucille: Oh, please. You're no more in love with him than I am.
Buster: Okay, we're all saying some things we're going to regret.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.