Samantha: Have I ever had fabulous sex with someone that I didn't want to admit to? Hmm. Did I ever tell you about that jazz musician who lived with his mother in Queens?
Carrie: Yeah, Alex.
Samantha: What about the window washer?
Carrie: The one who doesn't wear any underwear?
Samantha: I met this gorgerous kid in Spy Bar last year. He was....
Carrie: He turned out to be in high school. (voiceover) Evidently, Samantha had had lots of sex, none of which was secret.
Samantha: Fine. It just proves that I'm not ashamed of anyone whom I've slept with.

Samantha: There's no such thing as bad publicity.
Carrie: Yeah you would say that, you're a publicist.

(After Gilles has slept with Carrie, he leaves her a note and 1,000 dollars)
Miranda: (reading the note) 'Thanks for the beautiful day.' Must've been a hell of a beautiful day.
Carrie: Well, it was. We had such a fantastic connection, then he leaves me money. I don't understand. What exactly about me screams 'whore'?
Miranda: Besides the thousand dollars on the end table?
Samantha: I just can't believe you had dinner at Balzac. Wait a minute, I thought I ordered two eggs benedict and one spinach omelette.
Miranda: It's all right. I'll take the omelette.
Carrie: You know what you guys, this isn't right. We're gonna pay for all this ourselves, all right?
Samantha: He said order anything.
Miranda: The room service is one thing, but the money - uh-uh.
Samantha: What're you getting so uptight about? I mean, money is power. Sex is power. Therefore, getting money for sex is simply an exchange of power.
Miranda: Don't listen to the dime store Camille Paglia.
Carrie: I don't know whether to take it as an incredible compliment or as an incredible insult.
Samantha: Just take it, period.
Carrie: Well, I wouldn't know how to return it anyway because the one thing he didn't leave me was his phone number.
Miranda: He paid in full. What more is there to talk about?

Carrie: She's like an international party girl.
Miranda: She's a hooker with a passport.

Miranda: (to Charlotte who is talking about a famous painter who might ask her to hold his brush) If he so much as suggests what she's suggesting, you give me a call and we'll sue the hell out of him. That's the only proper way to trade sex for power.
Samantha: I can't believe what I'm hearing. You're like the Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt.
(Door bell rings)
Miranda: Ah, it's Skipper, I told him I was here. And he insisted on picking me up, but he's not supposed to be here till 11!
Carrie: Oh! He's like a sweet little seal pup.
Miranda: That you sometimes want to club.

Samantha: Women have the right to use every means at their disposal to achieve power.
Miranda: Short of sleeping their way to the top.
Samantha: Not if that's what it takes to compete.
Charlotte: But that's exploitation!
Samantha: Of men - which is perfectly legal.
Carrie: So, you advocate a double standard. Women can use their sexuality to get ahead whenever possible...but men should not be allowed to take advantage of it?
Samantha: No. I'm just saying that men and women are equal-opportunity exploiters.

(listens to a message from Big on her answering machine)
Carrie: Oh, something came up he's not gonna meet me. Here, will you listen to this and tell me if you can figure out whether he's not meeting me as a date, or not meeting me as a friend?
(Miranda takes the phone)
Miranda: Alright.
Carrie (voiceover): Sometimes, you need a second opinion; with doctors, real estate, men.
Miranda: I have no idea. And I finished first in my litigation class.

Carrie: Same time, same place, just you and me.
Big: Well, sort of. Meet my friend Jack.
Carrie: Oh, hi, how are you?
Jack: Marvelous. Going through my second divorce. Bitch is getting everything the first bitch didn't.

Men, in their 40's are like the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle; tricky, complicated and you're never really sure you've got the right answer.

Samantha: (on the phone) I am so fucked.
Carrie: What's wrong?
Samantha: No, I mean, literally. I have been fucked every way you can be fucked.
Carrie: If you keep talking like that, I'm gonna have to charge you by the minute. (goes to a voiceover) As I searched for my morning Marlboro light, Samantha proceed to give me a rundown of her night with Jon--no "H", no inhibitions. (voiceover ends)
Samantha: We did with him on top, me on top, me on my side.
Carrie: Him on his side?
Samantha: Oh, God, yes. On his back, on his side, on his face. Have you ever done that?
Carrie: It's too early to remember.
Samantha: Well, do it immediately. It is fabulous. These guys in their 20s, they are up for anything. How did it go with you and Sam?
Carrie: We kissed.
Samantha: Just kissed?
Carrie: No. We just kissed for five hours - at the club, in front of the club, on the corner of the club. I forgot how much fun it is to just kiss, you know, even if I did only get two hours of sleep.
Samantha: I didn't sleep at all.

Carrie: Shouldn't we be dating men our own age?
Miranda: Good luck finding one. There are no available men in their 30's in New York, Giuliani had them removed along with the homeless.

Carrie: So, then what's really going on here? Do younger men feel safer?
Miranda: What's really going on here is sex. Good old-fashioned, eager to please, do what I tell you to, Eagle Scout sex.
Carrie: But, I'm not having sex. It's a kissing thing.
Miranda: So, what's the big deal? It's just a fling. It's not like we're throwing out our schedules or anything.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.