Miranda: Their starting to die on us.
Charlotte: Oh, my God!
Samantha: Well, at least you weren't stood up.
Miranda: Thirty-five and their dying. We should just give up now.
Carrie: On the bright side, this could explain why they don't call back.

Carrie: What do I know about men? All I have is a bunch of failed relationships..
Miranda: And one affair.

Charlotte: This is important to me Carrie, I need him to see me sexually.
Carrie: I know you do sweetie, I'm just not sure I need to.

Carrie: You know that people actually asked for refunds after my first class.
Miranda: What do they know?
Carrie: Apparently , more than I do. I feel like a total sham.
Miranda: Oh, easy, that's my friends your talking about there.

Carrie: Do you know that there are no avaliable men out there?
Miranda: We're at my date's wake...so yes.

Miranda: He had money set aside for this.
Carrie: It's nice. I'm dead, your not, enjoy the buffet.
Miranda: Damn it! I like him even more now. He was organized enough to have a will.

Miranda: This is my first wake.
Carrie: Don't expect a goody bag.

Miranda: He doesn't even know me , the least he could do is get to know me before he rejects me.
Carrie: Yeah! That's illegal dumping.

Carrie: I can't believe this place. It's like ten bucks a game.
Wade: Yeah, but the games come with beer.
Carrie: Yeah, that's cause they want you to play half as well and twice as much.

(at Wade's apartment) You said you had a view, not the view? And this breeze, it's like it's different air up there.

Samantha: He lives with his parents?
Carrie: It's their apartment.
Samantha:So, not sexy honey. Dump him immediately, here use my cell phone.

Carrie: You coming in for a landing there sister?
Miranda: Sorry, cute guy. I thought he was checking me out for a second.
(the girls turn to look)
Samantha: His a cutie alright.
Carrie: Yes, definitely looking.
Miranda: His looking at you guys looking at him like I asked you not to.
Carrie: Take your tray over there.
Charlotte: What? (excited)
Miranda: No!
Samantha: Absolutely! Why not?
Miranda: Because, this isn't PS 147, we're adults now, she's married for Christ sake. We have to at least pretend to know better.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.