Alaric: You’re going to recycle that same crap-ass apology you gave to Mason Lockwood?
Damon: Yeah, well. I didn’t mean it with him.

Damon: But remember back when you liked me, and we conspired to kill Mason Lockwood?
Alaric: Yeah. And?
Damon: I think he’s still a little pissed.

Tyler can't be helped, at least now while Klaus is alive. Which is, like, always.

Greetings, blondie. Witchie.

You know Stefan. Journaling. Reading. Shaping his hair.

Caroline: How do I fix him?
Damon: Get a new boyfriend.

No one's gonna hurt you, Elena. Especially not my brother.

I promise you. I will never leave you again.

Katherine: The Damon I remember wouldn't have been that stupid.
Damon: I wouldn't have done it for you.

Damon: You might have a concussion.
Jeremy: Thanks for the concern, dick.

Damon: Stop being cute.
Katherine: I can't help it.

Alaric: You killed me!
Damon: Ric, no hard feelings, alright? I was on a bit of a tear, and everyone was trying to tell me how to behave.
Alaric: Maybe they finally realized you’re a dick.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.