Danny: Single guys love a girl that can cook you know.
Jackie: I use my oven as a dresser.

Another night of sleaze and desperation.

But I had Linda on my team last year. That's a handicap or else I would have kicked your ass but you better not tell her I said that.

Vanna, would you please tell Mr. Tommy Barone what he's won.

Danny: Be like being rookies all over again.
Frank: Better not. It ain't rookie duty.

But you're forgetting we almost had another homicide. Me!

Was it bring your sister to work day and nobody told me?

Jackie: Maybe I can bring this rat over to my ex-husband's house.
Danny: Is he that bad?
Jackie: Yeah, he actually is.

Do you guys all have goofy nicknames?

So your uncle got that gun for protection, huh? What was he expecting, an army?

The little boy you raped, you think he's better now?

Hey Dad. The Batmobile just showed up.