DEREK: "You make out with patients now?"
MEREDITH: "What, are you jealous?"
DEREK: "I don't get jealous."
MEREDITH: "We had sex. Once."
DEREK: "And we kissed in an elevator."
MEREDITH: "And we kissed in an elevator. Once."
DEREK: "No, seriously. Go out with me."
DEREK: "You know, I almost died today. Yeah, I came like this close. How would you feel if I died and you didn't get a chance to go out with me?"
MEREDITH: "Get over yourself already."
DEREK: "C’mon!"
MEREDITH: "It’s the chase, isn't it?"
DEREK: "What?"
MEREDITH: "The thrill of the chase. I've been wondering to myself, why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you? You know you're my boss. You know it’s against the rules. You know I keep saying no. It’s the chase."
DEREK: "Well... its fun isn't it?"
MEREDITH: "You see! This is a game to you, but not to me. Because, unlike you, I still have something to prove."

DEREK: "You're asking for my advice? Now who’s chasing who?"
MEREDITH: "Not funny, this is important."

ALEX: "God, I smell good! You know what, it's the smell of an open heart surgery. It is awesome. It. Is. Awesome! You gotta smell me."
MEREDITH: "I don't want to smell you."
ALEX: [wraps arms around Mer] "Oh, yes you do!"
MEREDITH: [shoves Alex] "You've gotta to be kidding me! I've got more important things to deal with than you. I've got roommates, boy problems and family problems... You wanna act like a little frat boy bitch, that's fine. You wanna take credit for your saves and everybody elses, that's fine too. Just stay out of my face! And for the record you smell like crap!" [Derek walks in]
ALEX: [shrugs] "She attacked me." [Meredith attacks]
DEREK: [steps in] "Meredith, Meredith!" [to Alex] "You know, you might want to leave, before I change my mind and let her beat you to a pulp with her tiny, ineffectual fists."

DEREK: "It's not the chase."
DEREK: "You and me. It is not the thrill of the chase. It's not a game. It's... it's your tiny ineffectual fists. And your hair."
MEREDITH: "My hair?"
DEREK: "It smells nice. And you're very, very bossy. It keeps me in line."
MEREDITH: "I'm still not going out with you."
DEREK: [smiles] "You say that now."

ADDISON: "Dory, this is Dr. Shepherd. He's our head of neurosurgery."
DEREK: "Hi."
DORY: "Oh, another Dr. Shepherd."
ADDISON: "He's my husband, actually."
DORY: "Seriously?"
DEREK: "Mmm-hmm."
DORY: "Wow. Look at you two. Everybody must hate you.
ADDISON: "You have no idea."

DEREK: "So, when did this problem begin?"
STEVE: "Well, I had an erection last night and woke up with one this morning."
MIRANDA: "Umm, Dr. Shepherd, if you don't need me, the other Dr. Shepherd needs a consult on one of the quints."
DEREK: "Yeah, no we're fine. So when did you last ejaculate?"
STEVE: "I'm not sure. Meredith?"
CRISTINA: [leaves, tries not to laugh] "Oh, I'm... I'm gonna go with Dr. Bailey."
STEVE: "Meredith, what time did we, know."
DEREK: [smiles] "Yes, Meredith. What time did you two?"

[to Steve] "I met a girl there once myself. A very long time ago."

DEREK: "Doesn't look like there's any nerve damage. There shouldn't be any long-term effect. I'd wait a few weeks before I tested it out, though."
MEREDITH: "Funny. You're a funny man."
DEREK: "I just didn't know you two were dating."
MEREDITH: "You knew it would happen eventually."
DEREK: "Eventually feels a lot different than actually."
MEREDITH: "Yeah, I guess it does."
DEREK: "It's surprisingly painful."
MEREDITH: "It gets better."
DEREK: "Does it?"

DEREK: "I thought I might buy you breakfast before your rounds."
MEREDITH: "I've already eaten."
DEREK: "Oh? What'd you have?"
MEREDITH: "None of your business."
DEREK: "Cereal person? Straight out of the box or are you all fruit and fibery? Pancakes! Do you like pancakes?"
MEREDITH: "Fine, leftover grilled cheese. Curiosity satisfied?"
DEREK: "That’s sad. It's pathetic. A good day starts with a good breakfast."

DEREK: "What are our options?"
ALEX: "Brilliant! The guy's got nails in his head! Let's put him in a giant magnet."

MEREDITH: "So, you're giving up your trailer."
DEREK: "I'm not giving up the trailer. Is Addison telling people that I'm giving up the trailer?"
MEREDITH: "It's just funny, I just never would have pegged you as that guy."
DEREK: "What guy?"
MEREDITH: "You know. The marble bath, private pool, gated community guy."
DEREK: "Don't peg me. I'm not peggable."
MEREDITH: "You're pegged. Deal with it."

[to Addison] "There is a land called Passive Agresseva, and you are their queen."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
