DEREK: "The first person I killed? I was a second-year resident. James Hanson. Go home, Dr. Karev. There's nothing you can do for him now."
ALEX: [pauses] "No one should die alone."

MEREDITH: "You're still you?"
DEREK: "I'm still me."

DEREK: "Well, let me take you out to dinner tonight. You can tell me all about it. Real food, waiters, big chunks of carbs in a basket."
MEREDITH: "I can’t."

DEREK: "Forget about the party."
MEREDITH: "You know about the party?"
DEREK: "Your friends will be at the party. You and I can be alone somewhere else."
MEREDITH: "How do you know about the party?"
DEREK: "Thanks for not inviting me, by the way. That felt good. Dinner, think about dinner, perfect opportunity."

DEREK: [in the car] "Sounds like the party's winding down. We should probably sneak inside now."
MEREDITH: "I think we've done enough sneaking for tonight. It was good sneaking, but enough sneaking."
DEREK: "Yeah, I'd say we're pretty good sneakers."
MIRANDA: [knocks on the window] "You mind moving this tail wagon? You are blocking me in."
DEREK: "Apparently not good enough."

MEREDITH: [sees Derek] "Crap.
DEREK: "Crap?"
MEREDITH: "Hi! I'm late."
DEREK: "You're avoiding me."
MEREDITH: "Yes, but also late."

DEREK: "Are we gonna talk about this?"
DEREK: "About us and Bailey and what she saw."
MEREDITH: "I don't need to talk about it I experienced it... naked."
DEREK: "This is getting complicated."
MEREDITH: "Complicated for me. I'm the intern sleeping with the attending. Bailey isn't speaking to me anymore."

DEREK: "Do you want me to be a better guy?"
MEREDITH: "Yes.... No. Crap! I'm late."
DEREK: "Take your time. Think about it."

DEREK: "Miranda."
MIRANDA: "Excuse me?"
DEREK: "Well, that's your name right? It's on your jacket. Fine, I'll just call you Bailey then."
MIRANDA: "You know you think you're charming... in that talented, neurotic, overly moussed hair sort of way. Good for you. But if you think I'm gonna stand back and watch while you favor her-"
DEREK: "I don't favor her. She's good."
MIRANDA: "I'm sure she is."
DEREK: "You know, can I point out, technically, that I'm your boss."
MIRANDA: "You don't scare me. Look, I'm not gonna advertise your extracurricular activates with my intern. However next time I see you favoring Meredith Grey in any way, I'll make sure she doesn't see the inside of an OR. For a month. Just for the sake of balance!"

DEREK: "You know they call you the Nazi."
MIRANDA: "So I've heard."

MEREDITH: "Dr. Shepherd? I'm sorry I called you a jackass."
DEREK: [pauses] "You didn't."
MEREDITH: "Actually I did... twice."

[to Addison] "There is a land called Passive Agresseva, and you are their queen."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
