I've watched 67 people die, and at the moment of truth I looked into their eyes and I knew - and they knew - they got what they deserved. But what if that's not what happens, if you don't get what you deserve?

Lumen: I think we have a problem.
Dexter: Yeah, I'm at a battle of wills with my drunk, shoplifting teenage step-daughter - and she's going to wi

Dear Abby, I'm a serial killer and I need advice on how to keep my kids from taking over my life.

Rita: When he does talk to me, it's all lies, all the time.
Dexter: Not... all the time.

Deb: (about Rudy) He sent me this text message.
Dexter: (reading text message) "Cum sail away with me"? He misspelled come.

Dexter Morgan: What am I even looking for?
Vince Masuka: Wait for it.
Dexter Morgan: This is a prelim. I don't have time to...
Vince Masuka: M-Fucking-99
Dexter Morgan: Etorphine Hydrochloride?
Vince Masuka: An animal tranquilizer more powerful than morphine. Causes total paralysis. That mark on her neck kept bugging me, so I ordered up a tox screen.
Dexter Morgan: [voice over] That's it. No more doughnuts for Masuka.

Lila: So what about what you're going to say to this guy when you get there?
Dexter: I'm sure I'll think of something.
Lila: Why don't you practice on me.
Dexter: I'd rather not.
Lila: Just try. Out loud.
Dexter: I feel like... he stole my life.
Lila: And...
Dexter: I'm not the person I'm supposed to be. It's like I'm hollow.
Lila: That's good. Go on.
Dexter: I hide in plain sight, unable to reach out to people close to me, afraid I'll hurt them... like I've hurt so many others. This is what he made me become.

Great. Security lights. Just what ever serial killer needs.

Miguel: I accept you, Dexter. I accept you like a brother.
Dexter: I killed my brother. I killed yours, too.

Wanna know a secret? Daddy kills people.

Masuka: Step away from the incense. This is America, buddy. Freedom of religion.
Dexter: I didn't realize you were a Buddhist, Vince. Japanese are traditionally Shinto.
Masuka: Are we? Oh, whatever. I borrowed this shit off my manicurist. I need all the luck I can get. Got a crucifix up there, too.
Dexter: 'Cause it did so much for Jesus?

The perfect husband would have gotten rid of his old apartment. But I kill people. Not exactly the perfect husband.

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan