Rita: (referring to the Bay Harbor Butcher) You know, I hope they catch him today, and I'm not a violent person, but I hope they hurt him. (turns to kiss Dexter) Have a good day.
Dexter: (voice over) Make up your mind.

(Voice over)To be a brother. To have a friend. To have a wife, a family. Fiona wanted it so bad she invented it, played all the parts herself. But if you play a role long enough, really commit, does it ever become real? Could I become real?...

(to Rudy) Rest in peace. I am.

Records Supervisor: You have a morbid sense of fun.
Dexter Morgan: That's probably true...

(voice over) Real. How do you show someone real love when you don't even know what it feels like?

The trifecta, weapon, ammo, and impaired judgment. Throw in a little domestic violence, and you have the perfect recipe for a family slaughter.

The worst thing about finally putting together a puzzle is finding there are missing pieces.

(voice over) Some gangs earn teardrops of blood by killing. I understand, we all need our keepsakes. One man's tattoos are another man's blood slides.

Lately the thing that surprises me most about Rita is how much I like being with her. But whenever that happens with a woman, when I feel comfortable with her, it all goes wrong. That's why I think it's best to take it one step at a time.

Dexter Morgan: His happy place. Where he kills more than time.
Vince Masuka: Hey Dexter, better bundle up.
Dexter Morgan: I like the cold.
Vince Masuka: You know, hypothermia can easily sneak up on you.
Dexter Morgan: Yea, so can hypochondria.

Angel Batista: [about the body found on the ice of a hockey arena] What do you think he's trying to tell us?
Dexter Morgan: That hockey's a violent game?

Dexter Morgan: That leaves only one set of footprints unaccounted for, the killers. This shows everywhere he went in the room. The question is: Why?
Lt. Maria Laguerta: Wait, hold on. Am I missing something? Where are the victim's footprints?
Dexter Morgan: Give that lady a lollipop!

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan