Damon: I was wrong.
Elena: Are you drunk?

Elena: Stefan could have lived anywhere in Chicago and he chose this?
Damon: There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner but it shut down for attendance issues. Weird.

Elena: It's an old family recipe, okay?
Damon: I knew your old family. They made sucky chili.

Damon: It's very Katherine of you.
Elena: Not the way to make me feel better about myself.
Damon: It was a compliment. Sort of.

Elena: How does he look?
Damon: Pasty and pouty.
Elena: He'll have to get over it.

Elena: Jeremy can't live with me, Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted that she doesn't like me this way. Think it's safe to say that I'm not so great at this vampire thing.
Damon: You want to know what I think? I don't think I've ever seen you more alive.

Elena: Dear Diary: Today will be different. It has to be. I will smile and it will be believable. My smile will say, 'I'm fine. Thank you. Yes. Much better.' I will no longer be the girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh. Be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through.

Elena: My brother wants to kill me.
Damon: Welcome to the club.

Alaric: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
Elena: What? Damon. He thinks he's hilarious.

Elena: You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now.
Alaric: I meant like frozen dinners and SATs.

When he looks at me, all he see is a broken toy.

Elena: What happened?
Damon: Katherine happened.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.