Izzie: This is absurd.
George: Hey...
Izzie: You shouldn't be sleeping in the On-Call room.

George: Hey.
Meredith: You look weird.
George: I don't look weird.
Meredith: What's wrong?
George: I look fine.
Meredith: I know you.

George: It's horrible. The sex. With Izzie... horrible. It's like she's trying to hard, it... it's...you ever seen a porno? Not that Izzie's a porno; she's an angel, but it's like she's trying to... channel a porn star and she's trying to act all dirty and sexy, which sounds great, right? But in reality I just wanna say, "Izzie, just because you can do that with your legs doesn't mean that you should."
Meredith: Eh... I wanna run.
George: Run, run. Run now!

Izzie: I'm in love with this incredible guy and we're having problems. And my best friend, he would know what to say to me about it. I need to be able to talk to my best friend. I cannot get through this without my best friend.
George: Why isn't this easier?
Izzie: I don't know.
George: Well, I want my best friend back.
Izzie: Me too.

Miranda: "You tell him that if he's thinking about leaving right now, he might find himself hurt and wounded and needing an operation, and he may not get a surgeon who is as married to her vows as I am."
George: "Can't I just do some charts?"

Well, Dr. Bailey did save your life today. A black woman saved your life, at a great personal cost. So maybe next time you're looking at your tattoo and you're thinking how much better all these white guys are better than everyone else. You might wanna think about that. Cause between you and me, if I had been alone in that O.R., you would probably be dead right now. And since we are sharing belief systems, I believe that if you were dead, the world would be a better place.

George: You should have tried to steal a TV.
Lexie: I did, they were bolted to the wall.
George: Still...

You know, whenever anyone says something really funny and I laugh I always look around to see if you think it's funny too. Even when you are not there, I look around.

George: He punched someone named Harrison.
Miranda: (to Tucker) You punched a child?
George: Apparently there was a graham cracker involved.
Miranda: Over a graham cracker?
George: They said they want you to talk to him.
Miranda: What... he's 14 months old? What do they think I'm going to do, give him a lecture on non-violent conflict resolution?
George: I really don't know.
Miranda: My son punches other children!

George: Tomorrow's board and Dr. Tapley's echo. Hahn is seeing him now.
Richard: What are doing with Baileys child?
George: Dr. Bailey and I are in love. I will be heading back to Vegas with her as soon as my divorce with Dr. Torres is final.
Richard: We need to write Adele again. She replied to my email but all she sent was a typo. She's no better at this than I am.

George: That's not a typo sir, that's a wink.
Richard: Well, that's a semi-colon and a closed parentheses.
George: Turn it sideways.
Richard: Well what the hell does this mean?
George: She's flirting, sir.
Richard: Oh... oh, that's good!

George: Like I said I made a lot of mistakes last year, but I'm trying to get back on track, and I gotta do it by myself, so...
Lexie: The only reason I wanted to help is that, um, I... I feel like you and I are more than just ... roommates.
George: We are more than just roommates.
Lexie: We are?
George: Yeah we're friends ... I mean right now I'd probably say you're one of my best friends.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
