The poncho by itself is fine. The poncho plus the flute plus the stupid dance? My son will die a virgin

Manny, you were afraid to light the barbecue, but now your eyebrows have grown back and your salmon is legendary!

Why do I almost always kill my husbands? I will never forget you, Jay!

I wrapped my son with one hand while driving a stick. I know how to keep my kid safe.

A bruja is a witch! A gar-golll is a gar-golll.

It's a freakshow, but it's their freakshow.

Gloria: I do Jay. Why can't I do you?
Phil: You can... do me.

Manny: She has a boyfriend.
Gloria: Ohh I'm sorry mi niño
Manny: I gave her my heart and she gave me a picture of me as an all time Sheriff. That was pretty stupid of me, wasn't it?
Gloria: No mi amor, It was brave right Jay, brave.
Jay: Well well, you'll know better next time, come on let's get a pretzel

Jay: You want scary? When I was his age I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis. I slept with a butter knife under my pillow in case I had to fight some Soviet colonel.
Gloria: Why?
Jay: Because I could identify all the Commi planes.
Gloria: What are we talking about?!?

Gloria: Luke!
Luke: At what?
Gloria: What do you mean at what? I said Luke.
Luke: I am looking!

In my culture, mothers are very clingy to their sons. In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian women is when their sons get married. But I'm not like that.

Alex: So did you ever kiss another girl?
Gloria: That's no way to talk to your grandmother