ALEX: "Hey, you look nice."
IZZIE: "Thanks, so do you. Hot date?"
ALEX: "Nah, this thing is cheesy. Wouldn't waste a decent chick on it. You headed in?"
IZZIE: "Yeah, I'm just gonna go see Denny first."
ALEX: "Oh. Okay."

IZZIE: "I think it was a stroke. He was prone to blood clots. A clot could have formed on his sutures and traveled to his brain. It only takes a second."
MEREDITH: "Izzie-"
IZZIE: "Dr. Han did a beautiful job on the surgery. I don't know why I didn't think of blood clots. He died all alone. He was alone."
GEORGE: "There's nothing you could have done."
IZZIE: "I changed my dress three times. I wanted to look nice. I would have been here sooner. But I couldn't figure out which dress to wear."

IZZIE: "Can you please... please, just get out? I want to be alone with Denny."
ALEX: "Izzie, that’s not Denny."
IZZIE: "Shut up."
ALEX: "Izz, its not Denny. The minute his heart stopped beating, he stopped being Denny. I know you love him... but he also loved you. And a guy that loves you like that, he doesn't want you to do this to yourself. Because its not Denny, Not any more."
IZZIE: "An hour ago he was proposing. And now… and now hes going to the morgue. Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't it the most ridiculous piece of crap you've ever..." [starts sobbing, Alex consoles her]

[to Richard] "It was me. I cut his LVAT wire. I did it, no one helped me. And now... I thought I was a surgeon, but, I can't. I thought I was a surgeon, but I'm not, so I quit."

DENNY: "Izzie... I'm gonna be alright. Alright. You don't have to worry."
IZZIE: "What about me? What about me when you go into the light?"
DENNY: "Izzie-"
IZZIE: "No! I get it, okay? I get it! You'll be okay, you'll be fine, but what about me?! Don't do it for yourself, do it for me! Please? Please, Denny! Please do this for me! Because if you die... Oh, God! You have to do this! You have to do this for me, or I'll never be able to forgive you!"
DENNY: "For dying?"
IZZIE: "No! For making me love you! Please? Please, do this-"
DENNY: "Come here."
IZZIE: "Please do this for me? Okay? Please? I can't do this if you don't... please! Do this for me! Please!!"
DENNY: "Okay, okay, I'll do it."

DENNY: "Izzie... Izzie. Stop and listen to me. We're not doing this."
IZZIE: "Don't worry. You're not gonna die. I will be here the whole time to make sure of that and that's what this stuff is for."
DENNY: "This isn't about me dying. Alright? This is wrong."
IZZIE: "You've waited a year and a half to get this thing. Who knows when the next one is gonna come along."
DENNY: "I'll take my chances."
IZZIE: "No. It may be too late by then."

RICHARD: "People! I know who did this, so you might as well come clean. I know!"
GEORGE: "With all due respect, sir, if you knew you wouldn't be asking us."
IZZIE: "I did it."
MEREDITH: "You have your suspicions, but you don't actually know."
CRISTINA: "Not for sure."
GEORGE: "And you can't do anything to any of us without proof, sir."

CRISTINA: "Hey! We stick together, we all did this. Nobody's a victim. We stick together. [pauses] Dammit!"
IZZIE: "Thank you."
CRISTINA: "You're welcome."

IZZIE: "Denny!"
MIRANDA: "What did I tell you? Visiting hours aren't for another hour and you are no longer his doctor. You want to see Denny, you come back when the visitors come."
IZZIE: "I would but I can't wait."
DENNY: "Hey, ixnay on the insubordinationay."
IZZIE: "But it's my turn."
MIRANDA: "Come on, if the Chief finds out you were even on this floor-"
DENNY: "Hold on... it's her turn."
IZZIE: "Yes. My answer is yes."
DENNY: "Now see, you're gonna make my heart stop beating and it's brand new."
MIRANDA: [to Izzie] "I will call security on you."

[to Savannah] "There is a third option. Take your chances, get cancer, and fight like hell to survive."

IZZIE: [to Cristina, who is trying on outfits] "You'd look hot in any of them."
CRISTINA: "Clearly! But that's not the point."

ALEX: "Morning, Dr. Model."
IZZIE: "Dr. Evil Spawn."
ALEX: "Ooooh, nice tat. Do they airbrush that out for the catalogs?"
IZZIE: "I don't know. What do they do for the 666 on your skull?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
