I'm just not sure this is me. Meditating. Looking for my inner...insides. I was never a be-the-ball kind of guy.

Aidan: Liam expected me to die, and now that I haven't...
Josh: No, I'm not going to let him anywhere near you.
Nora: Neither will I.

Josh: It was you beating the infection, that's what that was.
Sally: I didn't think dead people could do that.
Aidan: Yeah, neither did I.

Why do you insist on befriending every stray wolf you come across?

May I ask what inspired you to ask one of our only "muggle" friends over during this particularly supernatural time?

You are gonna die when you see the master bath. I almost spilled future generations just looking at it!

I'll never be able to prove it, but I know you had something to do with Erin trying to hurt Aidan.

She likes you enough to make me irrationally jealous!

Everything is so "My So Called Life" with her. But - switchbladier.

So, listen, I'm really glad you guys are happy, but could you maybe try not to burn the house down? That's my only request.

I know I'm not special anymore like the other people in this house, but I still have to protect the people that I love.

Liam: You should go now.
Josh: What does that mean?
Liam: Go. Now.

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
