Aidan: No. I can't. Vampires don't drink werewolves.
Josh: Why?
Aidan: I don't know, because of the smell? I always just took the smell as a warning. Either way it's something we just don't ever do. Ever.
Josh: If this is one of those vampire Jim Crow laws, you need to get over it. You need blood and I have blood and Zoe is not an option.

I feel like I'm the only one trying. Like I'm dangling off a cliff by my fingertips and you're up there stomping on them!

Really? You're just going to leave Zoe there with Miss Dead By Dawn Swallow Your Soul?

Did she just lock us in?

What's the non-corporeal equivalent of a glass of water in the face?

You say you love her, but look what you did. Now, I either bring her in closer or I break her heart. Either way, I destroy her.

You didn't come to the hospital to see me. You were following Julia.

Stu: I heard you're a werewolf. You're kind of a big deal back home.
Josh: Great. I'm huge in Ithaca.

Aidan: I made him, Josh. He's my son.
Josh: Did you make him without skin?!

The most screwed up part about being here with you? Is this feels almost normal. Confiding in you like we used to.

Emma: I can walk you know.
Josh: No, we tried that and you fell, remember?

Licking strangers. This is uh, this is a new one for me. Licking people. That's disgusting.

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
