Del: I think the Goodwins will do right by us.
Kat: You have always cared way too much about what the Goodwins think of us. So Evelyn agreed to keep out names out of the paper. You don’t still owe her.

It’s too hard here, mom. And you’re too difficult.

Kat: Jacob has such an incredible life and a beautiful family.
Susana: You are a part of this family now.
Kat: In more ways than one. I am a Landry, and Jacob is too. We’re just the future generation.
Susana: Jacob. This was his family all along?
Kat: He grew up on this land in our time, and I still live here. This fireplace. This is the center of my home, too.
Susana: So our echoes have always been around you. And what Elijah built mattered.

Jacob: They loved to dance, didn’t they?
Kat: Yeah.
Jacob: We were a family.
Kat: We were. We are, but this family wouldn’t even have existed if you hadn’t fallen into that pond. You are the reason why Elijah and Rebecca built a life here. You are the reason why we even have a family.
Jacob: Perhaps this was all inevitable. This place. I remember it calling to me. I wasn’t allowed, but I came anyway. I couldn’t stop myself. I’ve been playing a role based off a story that my parents told me about who I was and where I came from, and I believed it because I loved them. I do love them.

Elliot: Kat. Kat. Stop! You know you can’t prevent this, right?
Kat: I can at least say goodbye.

Del: Jacob should be here. He should have been the one fighting to save the farm. It should have been Jacob. [Kat grabs Colton’s guitar] Katherine, what are you doing?
Kat: I’m grabbing a piece of dad with me, and I’m never coming back here -- because it should have been him.

Brady: Hey, what happened? Did you tell Del about the baby?
Kat: She doesn’t deserve to know her.

Kat: I wanted to go to London with you. I don’t remember very much from that night, but on that staircase, I saw you, El, and I felllll a bit in love, and I’m sorry I turned so cold afterwards. I was scared, embarrassed, and just a dumb kid.
Elliot: A dumb kid who was really going to run away with me, huh?
Kat: Yeah. But, much like that kiss the other night, it ended before it began.
Elliot: I meant that kiss, Kat, but I want us to be on the same page. No more secrets.

Kat: I’ll be back soon. Part of my heart is here now, after all.
Thomas: Jacob will be safe. But perhaps you’d allow me to carry part of your heart in mine? This heart you claim I possess?

Kat: Mom, you cannot sell our land to a Goodwin.
Del: Why not? I think it's fitting. I have always felt indebted to Evelyn after everything she did for us all those years ago. Not many people would be so forgiving. I can't repay the debt now. The least I can do is accept her son's generous offer.
Kat: OK. So, when it comes from family, it's a handout, but when it comes from a Goodwin, that's generosity?

Kat: See you later, alligator.
Jacob: Why didn't you come for me sooner?

Oh, yeah. I kind of forgot to tell you that part. When I was saving Jacob, I kind of started the White Witch legend.