Kenneth: How was substitute teaching sir?
Pete: Just like Lean On Me, in that a guy who looks like Morgan Freeman swung a bat at me.

When I first started working here, an 8-year-old Shirley Temple taught me how to roll a cigarette.

What most people don't know is that NBC is still a network.

You don't know the meaning of the word scared. And I know 'cause I've looked it up for you a dozen times.

Jack: I can get you into a restaurant where you watch a child play with a bunny, and then you eat the bunny.
Kenneth: Isn't that just Easter?

Jack: You have me over a barrel. What are you going to do?
Kenneth: Not what my uncle does when he gets a hitch-hiker over a barrel, I'll tell you that.

I can talk to animals. Well not talk to 'em. I can take commands from them.

I hope I photograph okay, because when I look in a mirror there's just a white haze.

Kenneth: Mr. Hornberger, do you and your wife ever fight?
Pete: Not all the time. After her hysterectomy, she was in a coma, briefly.

Obesity is killing the African-American community...with laughter.

It was Harold, and I ate all of him. Even the face in case of a tie. I ate him sir! I ate my father pig!

Also, in the background I heard lady giggles and the sound of a beautiful sunset.