Human Friend: You're my best friend. I'm sorry I treated you so badly.
Calculon: Apology accepted. After all, you're only human.
Leela: You guys could learn a lesson from those two.
Fry: She's right.
Bender: You're my best friend, Fry, I'm sorry I treated you so badly.
Fry: Apology accepted. After all, you're only human.

Leela: Your best friend is out there somewhere destroying himself.
Fry: Really? I didn't think he'd miss this apartment that much.

Leela: Wait. I want you to look me in the eye and promise you won't get behind the wheel without some kind of alcoholic beverage in your hand.
Bender: I promise nothing.

Leela: (to the Professor) We need to talk to you about Fry.
Bender: Yeah, we want some money! Wait, what's this about Fry?

Leela: Do you know how long it's going to take me to recalibrate these engines?
Fry: Hey! When you look this good, you don't have to know anything.

Leela: Fry, sometimes in close quarters, people do inconsiderate things without realising it.
Fry: I know but I forgive you.
Leela: No, Fry, by "close quarters" I mean this office-
Fry: Uh-huh.
Leela: And by "people" I mean you!
Fry: Right.
Leela: And by "inconsiderate" I mean-
Fry: Leela! We're trying to watch TV.
Bender: Yeah. Would you kindly shut your noise hole?

Farnsworth: (on the phone) Oh, how awful. Did he at least die painlessly? To shreds, you say. Well, how is his wife holding up? To shreds, you say. Very well then. (hangs up) Sad, sad, terrible, gruesome news about my colleague, Dr. Mobutu.
Leela: Was his apartment rent-controlled?

Leela: Wow. This is beautiful.
Bender: What's with all the crap?
Leela: It's not crap.
Hattie: Dr. Mobutu collected this crap while he was exploring the watcha-call-it... universe!
Fry: Well, this place has everything except the only thing I care about; a TV.
Hattie: It's got a TV, you young watcha-call-it... idiot!

Bender: You people are nuts. My antennae never interfered with my old TV.
Leela: You had cable. This is satellite.
Farnsworth: Obviously your thoughts are being transmitted on the same frequency.
Tenant #2: They're on my cell phone too.
Bender: Madam, I believe you're mistaken.
Bender: (thinking; on phone) Wow, that lady's got a huge ass.
Bender: Those could be anyone's thoughts, fat ass!

Leela: Fry, you're Bender's best friend. How could you let that mob kick him out?
Fry: Ah, come on. Bender loves mobs.
Leela: Only when he's in them and you know it.

Fry: Don't girl me with that girl stuff. Bender and me are guys. Guys don't have feelings.
Leela: Bender's not a guy, he's a robot.
Fry: Same thing.

Leela: OK, you're on the surface. Now I'll give you 10 minutes. Then you'll get bored, turn around and apologise for being such a jerk. Agreed?
Fry: Agreed.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!