Abby: This guy was a genius! He chronicled all his exploits on his phone. It's like a master's course! Six hundred pizzas delivered to the battalion CP. He reassembled a Humvee inside the officer's club. If only I had the appropriate time and space to use the bounty of ideas in front of me.
Gibbs: The case, Abbs. The case.

Gibbs: Dad, German? That's the most important part.
Jackson: No, son. The important thing was that we were both fliers. We were brothers up there. We were the same. We're all the same. But we keep fighting each other. Walter told me that he saved me that day because he wanted to remind himself who he was. He's dying, and all he can see is the people he killed, over ideas that weren't even his. He can't forgive himself.
Gibbs: That's not an easy thing to do, Dad.

Ziva: Being stuck at that desk has given me a lot of time to think. Being a visitor here is wrong.
Gibbs: What does that mean, Ziva?
Ziva: I need your signature on this. I want to be an NCIS agent.
Gibbs: I don't even know if that's possible. You would have to resign from Mossad.
Ziva: Already have. Sent my father an email.
Gibbs: Hmm. Now what's he think about that?
Ziva: It does not matter.

Abby: I never know what to get anyone, especially Gibbs! What do you get for the guy that has nothing and wants nothing?
Ducky: Some squeaky shoes.

Bishop: You were a sniper. How did you do it?
Gibbs: Pull the trigger.
Bishop: Right. But what did you think about while you were taking aim?
Gibbs: Smoke-checking the target, Bishop

Ziva David: Never sweat where you eat.
Tim McGee: Wrong bodily function.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Yeah but it's the right idea.

McGee: Red handed?
Gibbs: They don't come much redder.

Tony: Am I updating the FBI?
Gibbs: No, no not yet.
Tony: Got it. And if Leia asks?
Gibbs: Geeze, DiNozzo. Make something up. She's your girlfriend.
Tony: Why - did she say something? Did she mention me by name?

Franks: Have you lost all shred of human decency? This is not a game! This is life or death to these women.
Gibbs: You don't know that.
Franks: The hell I don't! These girls are in danger, even in the shelters! And when the U.S. finishes its military pullout, it's game over for them. Look at them. Look at their faces.
Gibbs: I'm a federal agent, and I cannot lend material support to a human smuggling operation.
Franks: When did you start caring about the rules?
Gibbs: My rules!
Franks: Yeah? Which ones?
Gibbs: Rule 10: Never get personally involved on a case. Rule 14: bend the line, don't break it. Human smuggling breaks it.
Franks: You already got involved once. Or don't you remember how Layla and Amira got here?
Gibbs: How do you choose, Mike? Huh? Who do you pick? You can start it, but how do you stop it? You're not God.
Franks: He's sitting this one out.
Gibbs: I can't do it. Can't do it.

Gibbs: What's going on? Why the fake i.d.?
Franks: About a year ago, some former - let's say associates - come up to me because they had a 12-year old Afghan girl who they were helping smuggle into the U.S.
Gibbs: Okay, stop. I can't hear any more of that.
Franks: You need to. This girl had been raped repeatedly by her uncle. When she finally went to the police, they arrested her.
Gibbs: For what?
Franks: For being outside without a male escort. Without her uncle, for Pete's sake. I was just supposed to help with the one, but when I met the kid.....this sweet innocent ain't something you let go. So I hooked up with this group that runs women's shelters in Kabul. I kind of run their underground railroad. You know - helping them relocate their hard cases.

Ducky: My mind has been scattered with grandfatherly worries.
Gibbs: Grandfather?
Ducky: Mr. Palmer has declared when the child is of speaking age, she will call me "Grand-Ducky".

Kasie: It’s a long story. [beat] Too long. I was told not to waste your time.
Gibbs: Who told you that?
Kasie: Everybody. [Gibbs leaves the elevator.] The same ‘everybody’ that says you leave without saying goodbye!

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?