Michael: Look, I'm trying to get development started. I've got six guys on bulldozers waiting to get underway.
Lindsay: Well, what about the trees?
Michael: Oh, we're just gonna cover them with blankets ... I'm ripping 'em out.

Lindsay: Look, I'm an activist, too, and I appreciate what you're doing for the environment. But we're not the only ones who destroy trees. What about beavers? You call yourself an environmentalist. Why don't you go out and club some beavers?
Johnny Bark: You don't really "get" nature, do you?

Michael: I'm selling the company jet.
Lindsay: Great, so now we don't have a car or a jet? Why don't we just take an ad out in I'm Poor magazine?

Lindsay: Oh, I'm up here, Mike. And I'm not coming down. I'm going to save this tree, no matter what it takes!
Michael: Okay. I'll see you when you realize what that bucket's for.

Lindsay: I care deeply for nature.
Michael: You're wearing ostrich-skin boots.
Lindsay: Well, I don't care about ostriches.

Get out of our f***ing tree.

Lindsay: I've always been very passionate about nature. Perhaps you remember Neuterfest?
Michael: Oh, I'll never forget your wedding.

(loudly) Well, how embarrassing. My own brother buying me? I'd rather die. (whispers to Michael) Thank you. Maybe you're not that selfish.

(to a Taxi Driver) I don't know if that smell is you, the car, something you ate, or something you're about to eat, but my God, you're in a service business.

Michael: I don't do anything for myself. Everything that I do is for this family.
Lindsay: Oh, you don't do it for us, Michael. You just do it because you love being the guy in charge. 'Cause you love saying no. Like you said to Gob when he wanted a frozen banana. And even after he gave you the rights to his "Mr. Banana-Grabber" character.

Lindsay: What car? I don't know what you're talking about.
Michael: Dad's car. The one you didn't tell me that you had, even though I had to ride my bicycle to work all week.
Lindsay: Oh, Dad's car. Well, obviously, I'm going to use it if it's an emergency.
Narrator: Lindsay had such an emergency three days earlier when her salon was able to squeeze her in at the last moment.

Um, I forget their name, but I know they're hungry. I think some are thirsty.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.