Lucille: Ah, yes. The week we had the au pair. You know, your mother always wanted this broach.
Maeby: Really?
Lucille: Do you want it?
Maeby: I do now. That'll show her for trying to punish me.

Maeby: D plus. Sign this.
Lindsay: This is a D minus.
Maeby: Well, either way, it's above a D right?
Lucille: Another world beater.

Narrator: Later, Lucille stopped by the model home to enlist her daughter's help cataloging her valuables.
Lindsay: I can't.
Lucille: Why not?
Lindsay: Because I'm ... Don't want to.

Michael: I can't help you, Mom. I've got a job. I've got to make some money so you can buy more things and destroy the evidence.
Lucille: You're right. I'll ask Lindsay.

Lucille: I need a favor.
Michael: We ought to put that on our family crest.

I don't criticize you! And if you're worried about criticism, sometimes a diet is the best defense.

Maeby: (working with Lucille) This is so much fun. I can't believe my mom thought being here would be a punishment.
Lucille: Oh, she thinks I'm too critical. That's another fault of hers.

Lindsay: (about the broach) You know I wanted that.
Lucille: I know. But it's an elephant. And I didn't want to invite the comparison.

Lindsay: "Lindsay's a combative, entitled princess"? I should hire somebody to kick your ass for that.
Lucille: Save your money.
Lindsay: You're right. I'll do it myself.

Let me tell you something, sweetie. We may pick on each other, get into little scrapes, call each other names and occasionally steal from each other, but that's because we are family.

Jessie: Your father's religious now? We'll play that up. It's very sympathetic.
Lucille: Yeah. Who doesn't love the Jews?

Lucille: (showing Michael her fox scarf) Michael, look. Look what happened to my fox. Someone cut off its little foot. Is it, is it noticeable?
Michael: Well, you've got to remember you're going to be all splattered in red paint. That's gonna distract the eye.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.