Manny's the worst roommate ever. Everything he finds, he folds.

We had a fire drill last night. Not the hotel. Just me and Manny.

I had bread, I had cheese, and I had an iron. What was I supposed to do?

Manny: Oh no, who will pee all over the bathroom floor?
Luke: I was brushing my teeth at the same try to do that.

My dad says the greatest singer who ever lived is Peabo Bryson.

Phil: Wow, this place has really changed. Time marches on, huh? See that Starbucks down there, you know what that used to be?
Luke: An orange grove?
Phil: No, a Burger King. You can still see some of the architecture.

I got scared because the cabinet didn't fall down.

I brought you some soda, but I couldn't find any straws, so you'll have to drink it like cats.

Luke: I've heard The Jonas Brothers get nervous before every show.
Phil: Not Kevin.
Luke: Especially Kevin!

Luke: Is that Mom's apron?
Phil: It's an apron.

I think I found a place where I can sell this organ. Can you drive me to the black market?

Alex: Did you know fencing goes back to the 12th century?
Haley: You know what's even nerdier than fencing? knowing when it began
Luke: I don't think you're a nerd, Alex
Alex: Shut up dork