I'm just a boy trying to bring style back to travel.

If this so-called Santa Claus doesn't bring me a burgundy dinner jacket, I'm going to have a big problem.

We all weave a web of lies. Some we tell to try to help the ones we love, some we tell to try to fool ourselves.

Claire: Oh thank God, here comes Phil and the butterball.
Manny: Hey, I have a name!!

[Jay and Manny watching Miracle on 34th Street]
Manny: Are you crying?
Jay: What are you, a robot? It's a deeply emotional movie.

Manny [about his father]: He's not afraid of anything, he doesn't wear a seat belt when he drives. He killed a bear once
Jay: Oh yeah? Was the bear in the passenger seat?

Ugh, kids, you don't have to tell me, my school is full of them

Jay: Want some coffee?
Manny: Say yes. It's french press. I was doubtful too, but I honestly can't see myself going back to drip.

Manny: I guess I'm too proud to ask for help.
Jay: Are you kidding? She still cuts your steak.

Manny: In Colombia, they open presents at midnight and stay up til morning.
Jay: I'm sure they do, but if you notice from the absence of goats in the streets, we're not in Colombia.

Manny: She has a boyfriend.
Gloria: Ohh I'm sorry mi niño
Manny: I gave her my heart and she gave me a picture of me as an all time Sheriff. That was pretty stupid of me, wasn't it?
Gloria: No mi amor, It was brave right Jay, brave.
Jay: Well well, you'll know better next time, come on let's get a pretzel

Forbidden dance floor, only makes me want it more.