Derek: I can't wait to meet our future fictitious baby.
Meredith: Me either.

You know, it's not that I don't want to share you. I mean I don't want to share you, but that's not the reason I don't want you to be Callie's baby's godmother...It just seems like if you agree to be Callie's baby's godmother, you're saying that I'll never have a baby of my own.

An hour, one hour, can change everything forever. An hour can save your life. An hour can change your life. Sometimes an hour is a gift we give ourselves. For some, an hour can mean almost nothing. For others, an hour makes all the difference in the world. But in the end, it's still just an hour. One of many. Many more to come. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seconds. That's it. Then it starts all over again. And who knows what the next hour might hold

So, you think I'm broken?! Fix me! 'Cause I'm no quitter. Let's go!

Meredith: Derek, the guy we're waiting for doesn't exist.
Derek: I wanna give her a little more time to enjoy him or the idea of him if nothing else because once we remove the tumor it's all gonna disappear.
Meredith: It's not real. It's ok if he disappears, she can go back to her life.
Derek: She was probably a lonely person. She find a way to have love.
Meredith: Of course she did because that's were love exists, in delusional fantasies. Real love isn't like that.
Derek: Good to know!

One of the hardest lessons as a doctor is learning to prioritize. We're trained to do all we can to save life and limb, but, if cutting off a limb, means saving a life, we learn to do it without hesitation. It's not an easy lesson to learn, and it always comes down to one question, "what are the stakes?" What do we stand to gain or lose? At the end of the day, we're just gamblers trying not to bet the farm.

Cristina: It's Sophie's choice.
Meredith: It's Sophie's choice?
Lexie: I've never seen that movie.
Cristina: Well, you should. It's really funny.

Of course, he's rejecting it because it's my liver.

I think it's right that you continue her work, but I just really want to cure her disease.

I choose you.

Surgery is a high stakes game. But no matter how high the stakes, sooner or later, you're just going to have to go with your gut, and, maybe just maybe, that'll take you right where you were meant to be in the first place.

No matter how high the stakes, sooner or later you're just gonna have to go with your gut. And maybe, just maybe, that'll take you right where you were supposed to be.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
