Tristan: Dying in your arms is not so bad.
Nancy: No, you are not going anywhere. I did this, and I will find a way to fix it come hell or high water.
Ryan: It will probably be both.
Nancy: You are not going to die tonight!

Nancy: I can’t believe you had time to think about this in the middle of everything else that’s going on.
Bess: Hey, once a Keeper, always a Keeper.

After everything got so complicated with Ace, what I like about Tristan is how very uncomplicated he is.

Nick: Scary or not. Intrusive or not. Annoying or not. We are a family, and we are always here for you.
Nancy: I know you are.

I’ve never really relied on anyone before outside of my parents. And then you all came around, and we made this other little family. It scares me because it’s been a year today since I lost my mom, and I don’t think I would survive losing another person that I love.

Ace: I know what you lost a year ago today. I just wanted to be here for you in case you needed anything.
Nancy: Thank you. I mean it.

Carson: I want to remember Kate. Celebrate her. Nancy, she just wants her mom back.
Ryan: Your grief matters too, man. It’s okay to celebrate Kate.
Carson: I do. In little ways, every day, I do. Do I prioritize Nancy’s grieving over mine? Yeah, probably. But that’s being a parent.

Nancy: I looked everywhere. There are no black doors in town hall.
Ryan: Well, maybe the spirit of the dead guy wasn’t the most reliable source.

Ace: Well, this is a mess.
Nancy: The Claw or us?

Why is it we can make a decisive plan about how to battle ancient Grimms, but we fall apart when it comes to our relationships?

Nick: I did some digging. This isn't the first 80's toy with haunted qualities. Deadly one-of-a-kind kids' objects, each with supernatural entities tethered to them, were snuck onto shelves all over New England. The mystery remains unsolved.
Nancy: It's like when bottles of pain killer were laced with cyanide in Chicago in 1982. People died.
George: Some nut laced toys with evil. That's what we're up against?

Nancy: 118 River Heights Drive is my house. The last time I got stuck in an alternate reality, that’s how I found my way out.
Tristan: There was a last time?

Nancy Drew Quotes

Nancy: Nick and I are seeing each other. He seems to have an issue with me not acknowledging this publicly and has decided now is the time to rectify this.
Nick: Consider it rectified. I feel much better.

Carson: I've just been buried at work.
Nancy: Poor word choice, given recent events.