Nancy: I want you to be happy. One day a long time from now, I hope that we can both find another great love.
Ace: After you, I would accept nothing less.
Nancy: Ditto.

  • Permalink: Ditto.
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Nancy: You seem to have forgotten that you're the one who broke my heart.
Ace: You think I wanted to? You're not the only one who lost the love of their life here.
Nancy: Well, I was ready to keep trying, and you walked away.
Ace: And I have lived with that every second of every day since. But I'm sick of being punished for wanting us alive. Real love isn't dying for each other.
Nancy: Well then, what is it? Tell me because clearly, you know something that I don't. Or don't answer and keep walking away.
Ace: It's wanting the other person to be happy without you. It is me wanting you to be with someone you can do everything with, in all the ways that you deserve to be loved, even though that rips me apart. That's real love.

The thing is, when you have the best kiss of your life, you don't just give up on a person. Right?

So we need an insider, like an Indiana Jones of relics. Which I realize is Indiana Jones.

Ace: So, is this what you want? You want us to just act like colleagues from now on?
Nancy: I need a starting place. Something. I hope that's okay.

Bess: So the pattern is that there is something out there that can erase the terrible things you did and replace it with fake but pleasant memories.
Nancy: And then when the sludgy water finds you, it undoes it all. Got it. As for the eight bodies…
Bess: Yeah, that's tomorrow's migraine.

Nancy: Ryan, can you keep an eye on things while we do some supernatural cleansing?
Ryan: Yeah, scrub everywhere.

Nancy: I am in this because of you. You said this is what you wanted.
Ace: I still do. I want to be with you more than anything, but it is not worth the risk. We were friends before for a long time. Even when we had secret feelings for each other, we shoved them down, and we could still be in each other’s lives. We managed.
Nancy: I know what it’s like to kiss you now! And for that to be real and not some hallucination, and I can’t pretend that never happened. I can’t go back.
Ace: I can’t go forward. Not like this.

Ace: Shouldn’t you be resting?
Nancy: This is no time to rest. I’m still all in.
Ace: I was thinking maybe we slow down a sec, and we can talk this thing through.
Nancy: What is there to talk about?
Ace: I don’t know. If there is a death curse on us, maybe it would be better to not fight it and exist in a world together as friends.
Nancy: Did you not feel what I felt?
Ace: Of course I did. But then you weren’t breathing, and I was holding you in my arms and going through everything that you went through in Temperance’s hallucination, and it was awful.
Nancy: Yeah.
Ace: And I totally get why you were hesitant to tell me the truth.
Nancy: Right, but I’m not scared anymore. I let fear keep me away from you for too long.
Ace: Temperance was a hundred steps ahead of us. This time she got to the flowers. Next time it could be something else. No matter what we try, she could have sabotaged it.
Nancy: She said you were going to die, and you didn’t.
Ace: No, but watching you collapse almost killed me. Say we do try again, and maybe we think we broke the curse. How will we ever know that she didn’t plant another twist? We will always be looking over our shoulders. What kind of future is that?

Carson: What were you doing?
Nancy: We tried to break the curse.
Carson: You and Ace tried to break Temperance’s death curse. The curse that you said would kill him.
Nancy: Yeah, but it didn’t, and I’m fine. Temperance may have found a way to poison my part of the ritual, but when we try again…
Carson: Try again! You can’t be serious.
Nancy: Well, I’m not going to give up. Ace is my person. You don’t understand.
Carson: I don’t understand what? Love? I don’t understand wanting to be with someone so badly that I would do whatever it took. I watched my wife die. I understand everything. Sometimes no matter how much you want something, it’s not meant to be, and you have to give up and accept that and move on. I’m so sorry, Nancy. I lost your Mom. I can’t lose you too.

Guess who’s breaking a death curse today.

Hey, nobody loves blaming themself more than I do, but we have minutes.

Nancy Drew Quotes

Nancy: Nick and I are seeing each other. He seems to have an issue with me not acknowledging this publicly and has decided now is the time to rectify this.
Nick: Consider it rectified. I feel much better.

Carson: I've just been buried at work.
Nancy: Poor word choice, given recent events.